Las Cervezas de Martyn SPONSOR
«Duchesse de Bourgogne» es una cerveza de Flanders Red Ale de fermentación mixta. Es una cerveza dul ... nivel de amargor. Después de la fermentación todavía madura durante meses en barricas de roble. Los taninos presentes en la madera de roble le dan su carácter afrutado. «Duchesse de Bourgogne» t ...
2,77 € - Skjold Burne
Duchesse De Bourgogne 6,2% 25 cl
Duchesse De Bourgogne – 6,2 % – Ale – Serveringstemperatur 6-8 gr. Her er tale om ...måneder gamle ales efter nøje modning på egetræsfade, hvilket giver den en helt karakteristisk smag. Aromaen er også meget karakteristisk – nok mest i retning af skovbær, brændt karamel med et st ...
28,00 DKK
Holiday Wine Cellar
Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is the traditional Flemish red ale. This refreshing a ..., and a long, dry and acidic finish. After the first and secondary fermentation, the beer goes for maturation into the oak barrels for 18 months. The final product is a blend of younger 8 months ...
Bishop’s Cellar
Verhaeghe Brewery Duchesse de Bourgogne
Duchesse de Bourgogne is a beer for wine drinkers. The nose has gentle red-wine like aromas, sour ch ...oil and cocoa element quickly followed by a surge of tart cherries and apple peels that finishes complex and dry. A beer to ponder and enjoy. ...
Die Duchesse de Bourgogne ist ein wahrhaft königliches Gebräu, das aus der belgischen Brauerei Verha ...n Hopfensorten eingebraut und lagert nach Vollendung über mehrere Monate in Eichenfässern. Das Eichenholz verleiht dem Bier seinen einzigartigen Charakter und verhilft ihm zu seiner vollen Pracht ...
Verhaeghe Duchesse de Bourgogne cl33
Descrizione Birra ale-fiamminga, rosso scuro tendente al ruggine, con schiuma sottile e cremosa. Que ...e da un minimo di 8, fino a 18 mesi e successivamente miscelate assieme. Al naso si percepisce subito l’impronta acetica, conferita da lieviti e batteri di fermentazione. Al palato risulta agro-d ...
3,50 €
Duchesse De Bourgogne | 75 cl | 6.2% “Duchesse de Bourgogne” is een West-Vlaams roodbruin bier van g ...wen met geroosterde mouten en met hop met een lage bitterheid. Na de hoofdgisting en de lagering rijpt de “Duchesse de Bourgogne” nog vele maanden verder op eikenhouten vaten. De tannines in de e ...
8,50 €
Shop Wine Direct
Duchesse de Bourgogne Belgian Ale 750ml
Description Other Details ... Duchesse de Bourgogne Belgian Ale from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is the traditional Flemish red ale. This refreshing ale is matured in oak casks; smooth with a rich texture and interplay of pass ...
Duchesse De Bourgogne Flanders Red Ale
Hailing from the beautiful region of Belgium, I, the Duchesse de Bourgogne Flanders Red Ale, am the ... My story begins with Mary of Burgundy, a duchess born in Brussels in the 15th century. She is depicted on my bottle lab ...
Broue Ha Ha
BR. Verhaeghe-Vichte - Duchesse de Bourgogne
Bière de style Rouge des Flandres. (330 ml) 6,2%
Verhaeghe Duchesse de Bourgogne
Verhaeghe Duchesse de Bourgogne Fruitbier 24x25CL ... Login voor de prijs
Consultar Precio
Verhaeghe-Vichte - Duchesse de Bourgogne
“Duchesse de Bourgogne” is een Vlaams Roodbruin bier van gemengde gisting. Het is een zoet-fruitig ...omatische hop met een laag bitterheidsgehalte. Na de hoofdgisting en lagering rijpt de “Duchesse de Bourgogne” nog maandenlang verder in eikenhouten foeders. De in het eikenhout aanwezige looist ...
1,99 €
Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne 25Cl
Dieprode Red Ale met fijne schuimkraag en een alcoholpercentage van 6,2%. Fris lichtzuur bier met to ...nen van rood fruit en chocolade gevolgd door een droge afdronk. Dit bier ontstaat door vergisting in eikenhouten vaten en een mengeling van 8 en 18 maanden
2,50 €
Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: DUCHESSE DE BOURGOGNE 330ML Categoría: Producto Descripción: DUCH ...entes seleccionados y un proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% IBU (Internat ...
2,75 €
Hidden Beers
Hidden Beers: Descubre el secreto mejor guardado de la cerveza artesanal. Sumérgete en un oasis de s ...abores únicos y experiencias inolvidables en nuestro acogedor local.
3,99 €
Holiday Wine Cellar
Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is the traditional Flemish red ale. This refreshing a ..., and a long, dry and acidic finish. After the first and secondary fermentation, the beer goes for maturation into the oak barrels for 18 months. The final product is a blend of younger 8 months ...
Só Artesanais
Duchesse de Bourgogne. Cervejas artesanais online
A cerveja Duchesse de Bourgogne é uma cerveja belga ácida do estilo Flanders Red que tem 6.2% de álc ...dessa cerveja especial é o seu amadurecimento em barris de carvalho, o que lhe confere notas amadeiradas e um sabor que ...
3,00 €
Το όνομα της μπύρας δόθηκε προς τιμήν της Δούκισσας Μαρίας της Βουργουνδίας, μοναδικής κόρης του Κάρ ...ξηρή και όξινη επίγευση, χαρακτηριστικό των κόκκινων φλαμανδικών Lambic. ...
(24x4.24) 101,87 €
Brouwerij Verhaeghe Duchesse de Bourgogne
Duchesse Du Bourgogne fra Brouwerij Verhaeghe er en mørk ale med krydrede noter og en smag af sure f ...ehagelig frisk eftersmag. Øllet er brygget med dybt ristet malt og let aromatisk humle med lavt bitterhedsindhold. Efter hovedgæringen og lagerlagringen fortsætter “Duchesse de Bourgogne ...
40,00 DKK
Bine & Vine
Duchesse de Bourgogne is an West-Flemish red brown ale of mixed fermentation. It is a sweet-fruity a ...bitterness. After the main fermentation and the lagering, it matures further for many months in oak casks. The tannins in the oak give its fruity character. Duchesse de Bourgogne has a full, swe ...
Verhaeghe - Duchesse De Bourgogne 6.2%
Duchesse de Bourgogne from Brouwerij Verhaeghe is the traditional Flemish Red Ale. This refreshing a ..., and a long, dry and acidic finish. After the first and secondary fermentation, the beer goes for maturation into the o ...
Caps and Taps
Brouwerij Verhaeghe Duchesse de Bourgogne 6.2% (330ml)
Belgian top-fermented reddish-brown ale, a blend of 8 and 18 months old beers following the careful ...maturation in oak casks. Flemish Red.
Belgian Brewed
“Duchesse de Bourgogne” is a Flemish red-brown beer of mixed fermentation. It is a sweet-fruity b ...ic hops with a low bitterness content. After the main fermentation and lagering, the "Duchesse de Bourgogne" continues to mature for months in oak casks. The tannins present in the oak gi ...
7,20 €
Complex red ale, sour and fruity, with a distinctive mineral edge, hints of balsamic vinegar and a l, complex finish. Origin: Belgium Brewery: VERHAEGE VICHTE ABV: 6.2% Size: 330ml bottle Style: Amber, Red & Brown
Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: DUCHESSE DE BOURGOGNE 75CL Categoría: Producto Descripción: DUCHE ...tes seleccionados y un proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% IBU (Internatio ...
8,99 €
The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne 250mL
Duchesee de Bourgogne is the traditional top fermented reddish-brown ale from the West-Flanders regi ...ths old ales following careful maturation in oak casks. 100% natural and unpasteurized. Pours a black cherry red with a prominent head. Aroma has some red wine qualities and lots of different fr ...
“Duchesse de Bourgogne” est une bière Rouge brune de la Flandre-Occidentale de fermentation mixte, b ...pale et la fermentation secondaire, la “Duchesse de Bourgogne” mûrit encore plusieurs mois dans des cuves tronconiques. Les tanins dans le bois de chêne donnent la “Duchesse de Bourgogne” son car ...
2,39 €
Duchesse de Bourgogne es una cerveza flamenca de color marrón rojizo con fermentación mixta. Es una ...ndamente tostadas y lúpulos ligeramente aromáticos con un bajo nivel de amargor. Tras la fermentación principal y el envejecimiento, la “Duchesse de Bourgogne” continúa madurando durante meses e ...
3,50 €
Beer Ritz
Duchesse de Bourgogne 6.2%
VERHAEGE VICHTE Duchesse de Bourgogne - a superbly complex Flanders red ale, melding flavours of che ...rries, red wine, balsamic vinegar and oak barrels
Belgian Beer Heaven
Smaak Duchesse de Bourgogne is een hoofdgisting rijpt het bier nog maandenlang in eikenhouten foeders. De looistoffen uit het eikenhout zorgen voor het fruitige karakter van het bier. Het bier heeft een volle, zoete frisse en ...
2,12 €
Belgian Beer Heaven
Smaak Duchesse de Bourgogne is een hoofdgisting rijpt het bier nog maandenlang in eikenhouten foeders. De looistoffen uit het eikenhout zorgen voor het fruitige karakter van het bier. Het bier heeft een volle, zoete frisse en ...
8,87 €
VERHAEGHE Duchesse de Bourgogne 6.2% Flemish Red
Flemish Red AleAfter brewing this beer is transferred into large oak barrels to mature, where it dev ...elops a complex, sour flavour with notes of cherry, oak and balsamic which complements many types of food.6.2%250ml bottle
Step into the future past. Robed robots and onyx topped pillars ruminate on verdant hills. Here a ...the nose. While citrus and mango flavours sit on a soft hazy body with a smooth finish. Style: DDH IPA ABV: 7.5% Packaging: 440ml Can ...
Wine Sellers Direct
Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne 330mL
Indulge in a unique and refreshing experience with Verhaeghe Duchesse De Bourgogne. A traditional Fl ... Maturing in oak casks for 18 months, it offers a long, dry, and acidic finish. The result is a blend of 8 and 18-month-old beer, creating an average age of 12 months. Cheers to a perfect balance ...
Belgian Brewed
“Duchesse de Bourgogne” is a Flemish red-brown beer of mixed fermentation. It is a sweet-fruity b ...ic hops with a low bitterness content. After the main fermentation and lagering, the "Duchesse de Bourgogne" continues to mature for months in oak casks. The tannins present in the oak gi ...
2,57 €