Trappist Westvleteren 12 30-08-16 | (4.5) Trappist Westvleteren 12 - XII
This Trappist, also referred to as the Flemish Burgundy, has a dark amber colour, a stable, strong lacing and a white head.
Westvleteren 12 is a masterpiece in its complexity but wonderful in its simplicity. The exquisite ... 10,2Belgian Dark Strong AleAñade un Comentario o Imagen
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European Beer Trends Statistics Report 2019 Edition. European Beer Trends Statistics Report 2019 Edition
Dear Reader,
I’m pleased to present the latest trends in Europe’s beer sector as part of the 2019 edition of our annual statistical report.
It ...
Isovalérico - Contaminación. El sabor se suele describir como a queso, calcetines sudados o a lúpulo oxidado. Se suele confundir con el butírico, de modo que es adecuado entrenarse en el análisis sensorial ...