The Flying Inn Liquid Nemesis 14-01-17 The Flying Inn Liquid Nemesis
Like an irisidscent fog emerging at dawn from a meadow. Young as morning, fresh as dew. Liquid Nemesis leaks into the concrete jungle. From the european blonde ales honey the american and australian hops burst, bombing the senses ... 6,470 IBUAmerican IPAAñade un Comentario o Imagen
The Flying Inn () 14-01-17 Cerveceros errantes. Homeless brewers. Beer Quixotes in a crusade against boring, heartless beers. Hacemos la cerveza que queremos beber. Añade un Comentario o Imagen
The Flying Inn Telepathic War Elephant 14-01-17 Telephatic War Elephant
Psychotropic India Pale Ale
This beer is a heavily hoppy blast. An elixir that immerse you in a tropical hurricane, followed by subtle zesty pine notes. Go across the puff pastry, honey taste of the malts for the resinous hoppy end. ... 8100 IBUImperial IPAAñade un Comentario o Imagen
The Flying Inn Telepathic War Elephant 09-05-16 Telephatic War Elephant
Psychotropic India Pale Ale
This beer is a heavily hoppy blast. An elixir that immerse you in a tropical hurricane, followed by subtle zesty pine notes. Go across the puff pastry, honey taste of the malts for the resinous hoppy end. ... 8100 IBUImperial IPAAñade un Comentario o Imagen
Mostrados 1 a 4 de un total de 4
How to Brew. Libro sobre todo lo que necesitas para elaborar cerveza correctamente por primera vez.
Presentado en un estilo desenfadadao, este libro introduce la elaboración de cerveza paso a paso y cubriendo ...
Scottish and Irish Ale. Estilo de CervezaCategoría BJCP: 9 Scottish and Irish AleEngloba los siguientes subestilos:9A Scottish Light 60/9B Scottish Heavy 70/9C Scottish Export 80/9D Irish Red Ale9E Strong Scotch Ale