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Пиво Trappistes Rochefort - 8 330 мл, 9.2%
Каталог магазина пива pivoluchshe.ru содержит все виды пива, медовухи, сидра, а также пивные бокалы, ... пивные сувениры и книги о пиве. Купить пиво лучше в магазине пива в Москве pivoluchshe.ru! м. Автозаводская
Sin Stock
BeerVikings - Duplicada
Rochefort 8 van het trappistenklooster Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy, beter bekend als het Trappis ...n Rochefort, die onlangs de Rochefort Triple erbij kregen. Als 1 van de 6 officiële authentieke Belgische Trappisten staat Rochefort als een dijk boven water. Rochefort 8 is met zijn 9,2% alcoh ...
Sin Stock
Drop Hop
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy Trappistes Rochefort 8
Sendo uma das três cervejas Rochefort, e uma das mais famosas do mundo, a Rochefort 8 apresenta um c ...s tons de cacau torrado e de figo. O sabor, de início picante e condimentado, é substituído por um doce achocolatado de malte caramelizado no final de boca ...
Sin Stock
Half Time
Rochefort 8 is a Trappist product, brownish in color and has a short-lived head and a noticeable fru ...ity aroma with a touch of roastiness. It has an assertive but well balanced bitterness in the mouth, with hints of banana and pear and figs. It is deceptively smooth, given its strength.
Sin Stock
Trappist zwaar donker bier: zijn rijke moutigheid, bruine suiker en gedroogd fruit zijn niet te miss ...e en een halfdroge afdronk om het in evenwicht te brengen. Aroma's van gedroogd fruit, karamel, kruiden en een verwarmen ...
Sin Stock
Sweeney’s D3
A smooth and clear milk-chocolate colour is captured in the glass, nestling below a luxurious cloud ...e Rochefort 8 is a beer to be savoured at your leisure. Not too dense, it goes down easily, quietly sparkling. It is sweet and chocolatey, pleasant but certainly never boring. The same can be sai ...
Sin Stock
Trappistes Rochefort Rochefort 8 33 cl
Descrizione “La Speciale” è la ricetta più giovane dell’Abbazia di Notre Dame de ...un aroma tostato davvero unico. Il gusto risulta forte e complesso, con un tocco marcatamente dolce di caramello. Servizio T = 7-10° – Conservare le birre in ambienti asciutti, alle giu ...
Sin Stock
Brussels Beer Box
Beer Trappiste Rochefort 8 9.2%
Originally call"Spécial," Rochefort 8 dates to the mid-1950s. The name comes from the orig ...inal gravity in "Belgian degrees." Deep brown color; the…
Sin Stock
Beers & More 77
Rochefort 8 Barley Wine Fles 33 cl 9,20%
Een mooie Trappisten Barley Wine ven 9,2%, fruitigheid van donker fruit, pruimen en vijgen met een l ...ekker zoetje van karamel en geroosterd mout
Sin Stock
The Triangle
9.2% Belgian Strong Dark Ale 330ml Bottle Originally called "Spécial," Rochefort 8 dates to the mi ...avor is vigorous and complex, with firm body to support the strength. The aroma has elusive notes of fresh fruit, spice, leather, and figs. ...
Sin Stock
Thirsty Cambridge
Rochefort 8 Belgian Trappist Dubbel Beer
Rochefort 8 is a full bodied and well balanced, caramel-bitter, dark Trappist.
Sin Stock
Beer Force
Belgian Strong Dark Ale | 330ml | ABV 9.2% The Rochefort 8 is a beer to be savoured at your leisure. ...get that this is an authentic degustation beer, one that cannot be hurried along. It is sweet and chocolatey, pleasant b ...
Sin Stock
Rochefort 8 Belgian Dark Strong 33cl
9.2% Originally called “Spécial,” Rochefort 8 dates to the mid-1950s. The ... is vigorous and complex, with firm body to support the strength. The aroma has elusive notes of fresh fruit, spice, leather, and figs. ...
Sin Stock
Otherworld Brewing ( antigua duplicada)
Description Rochefort is one of the most famous and revered breweries in the world and makes three ...f raisins, dates and banana. It’s smooth and slightly sweet before the drier, herbal finish. Brilliant with cheese and stews, it’s a great warming ale. 9.2% / 330ml ...
Sin Stock
Otters Tears
The lower gravity cousin to Rochefort 10. Nicknamed "Spéciale" (’The Special’), this beer ...with an even richer fruitiness (a slight undertone of fig?) and a little more spiced dryness, like that of a cake, which gives a balanced finish to the final notes. ...
Sin Stock
Luekens Wine & Spirits
Trappistes Rochefort 8 11.2oz SNG Btl
The lower gravity cousin to Rochefort 10. Nicknamed “Spéciale” (’The Special’), this bee ..., with an even richer fruitiness (a slight undertone of fig?) and a little more spiced dryness, like that of a cake, which gives a balanced finish to the final notes. ...
Sin Stock
Bières de la marque Rochefort. TRAPPISTES Rochefort 8° 33CL. EAN 5412858000081.
Sin Stock
Trappistes Rochefort 8 (alc. 9,2%) is een bruin bier met tonen van karamel, chocoladearoma's en een ...moutige bittere afdronk.
Sin Stock
The Good Spirits Co.
House yeast packs the first punch with its herbal aromas – along with a hint of dairy – complemented ...ste the soft caramel in those milk chocolate aromas, before they evolve into a malty bitterness that is particularly noticeable in the finish. ...
Sin Stock
Triple Brew
Description Originally called Spécial, Rochefort 8 dates to the mid-1950s. The name comes from the ...original gravity in Belgian degrees. Deep brown color; the flavor is vigorous and complex, with firm body to support the strength. The aroma elusive notes of fresh fruit, spice, leather, and figs.
Sin Stock
Das Rochefort 8 ist ein dunkles belgisches Trappistenbier mit 9,2%. Es gibt nur 8 Brauereien in der ...Welt, die ihre Biere als Trappistenbiere bezeichnen
Sin Stock
Trappistes Rochefort 8 2013 150CL
Productdetails Alcoholpercentage: 9.2% Inhoud: 150CL Untappd: 3.86
Sin Stock
Rochefort Trappistes 8 330ml ΜΠΥΡΕΣ Μια αυθεντική Belgian strong ale με πλούσιο και πυκνό αφρός με γ ...λυκά αρώματα καραμέλας
Sin Stock
Esta Trapistes Rochefort 8 es tal vez uno de los mejores ejemplos de lo que es una cerveza de Abadía .... De marcados tintes afrutados, se trata de una cerveza dura, con mucho cuerpo pero con un sabor agradable y que para nada hace pensar que tiene casi un 10% de alcohol (9,2%). ...
Sin Stock
Achat Bières
La Rochefort 8° 33 cl est une bière brassée par la Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy en Belgique. C'es ...t une bière brune, au goût épicée. Cette bière titre à 9,2° .
Sin Stock
Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
Trappistes Rochefort 8 Stb Sgl
The BeerHistory and provenance are readily apparent, in the taste of the 8. Ever since the 1960s, Ro ...oday, in 2014, Rochefort's famous Trappists continue to brew using water from the calcium-rich Tridaine spring, 42 metres above the abbey. This spring water is said to have a unique compositi ...
Sin Stock
Wine Sellers Direct
Rich fruitiness and a tawny colour with more fruits and a slight amount of Demi-sec. Originally this ... beer was only brewed for New Year’s Eve celebrations, leading it to be colloquially known as 'The Special'.
Sin Stock
Rond Point
La Rochefort 8 est une bière Trappiste produite par les moines de l’Abbaye de Rochefort près de Namu ...si la Rochefort 8 est la dernière née de la gamme, c’est la plus répandue ! A l'origine, elle n'était brassée que pour les fêtes de fin d'année. Mais face à l’engouement qu’elle a suscité, les mo ...
Sin Stock
La Rochefort 8 est une bière trappiste brune, elle est vêtue d’une robe brune aux reflets acajou acc ...es de malt grillés, de cacao torréfié mais également de fruits. En bouche, on remarque une dominance des saveurs épicées qui vont se transformer en notes chocolatées assez douces pour finir sur u ...
Sin Stock
The Drop Brighton
Rochefort is one of the most famous and revered breweries in the world and makes three stunning beer ...tes and banana. It’s smooth and slightly sweet before the drier, herbal finish. Brilliant with cheese and stews, it’s a ...
Sin Stock
Las Cervezas de Martyn
La Rochefort 8 vio la luz por primera vez en 1954. Es una cerveza para disfrutar a su ritmo. No es d ...ja olvidar que esta es una auténtica cerveza de degustación, que no se puede apresurar. Es dulce y chocolatosa, agradable pero ciertamente nunca aburrida. Lo mismo se puede decir del contenido de ...
Sin Stock
Abdij Notre Dam Saint Remy Rochefort 8
Donkerbruin Strong Dark Ale met beige schuimkraag en een alcoholpercentage van 9,2%. Smakencombinati ...e van rood fruit, karamel en cacao. Complex en volmondig. Rochefort behoort tot de klassieke Belgische Trappistenbieren met kwalitatief goede bieren.
Sin Stock
Originally called "Spécial," Rochefort 8 dates to the mid-1950s. The name comes from the o ... with firm body to support the strength. The aroma has elusive notes of fresh fruit, spice, leather, and figs. ...
Sin Stock
Beer Paradise
ROCHEFORT Trappistes 8 9.2%
Product DetailsSoft and rich, with hints of dried fruit and Christmas pudding. Long finish, carrying ...s from the original gravity in "Belgian degrees." Deep brown color; the flavor is vigorous and complex, with firm body to support the strength. The aroma has elusive notes of fresh fruit, spice, ...
Sin Stock
Premium Drinks
Cerveza negra, auténtica trapense, que se macera y se envasa en el recinto de la Abadía Saint-Remy e ...antial, malta de cebada, lúpulo, azúcar. La levadura garantiza la fermentación. Con segunda fermentación en botella. Libera todo su sabor cuando se sirve una temperatura entre 12 y 14 grados. De ...
Sin Stock
Simplemente espectacular, un balance de sabores increíble, sólo notas sus 9,2 grados en el agradable calor que te deja en boca. Para exprimir el 100% de su sabor y aroma servir a unos 12-14ºC. 100% recomendable!