Las Cervezas de Martyn SPONSOR
La Rochefort 8 vio la luz por primera vez en 1954. Es una cerveza para disfrutar a su ritmo. No es d ...ja olvidar que esta es una auténtica cerveza de degustación, que no se puede apresurar. Es dulce y chocolatosa, agradable pero ciertamente nunca aburrida. Lo mismo se puede decir del contenido de ...
2,90 €
The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Rochefort Trappistes 6 Beer 330mL
This beer, the oldest of the three Rochefort Trappist beers, has the reddish colour of autumn leaves ..., a soft body and an earthy, herbal palate (a hint of Darjeeling tea), which develops into a deep fruitiness. 7.5% ABV | 330ml
(6x1.33) $7.99
Belgian Beer Heaven
Smaak Rochefort 6° is een trappist ...schuimkraag. Daarnaast heeft dit bier een complex aroma met tonen van gedroogd fruit, karamel, mout en kruiden. Bij het proeven ervaar je een rijke en evenwichtige smaak met zoete en moutige ton ...
1,97 €
Bagsværd Vinhandel
Rochefort er navnet på endnu en fremragende trappist-øl. Det er øl a;oslash;l-spektret. Der er her tale om absolutte ølklassikere, som enhver ølentusiast må kende.Rochefort 6 er en udmærket klosterøl med en f ...
30,00 DKK
Rochefort Trappistes 6 - 7.5°-13L
Rochefort Trappistes 6 - 7.5° Deep dark brown with a good sized light brown head. Nice yeasty dark ...fruit aroma. Taste is very complex with dark fruits and malt sweetness with a nice earthy oak like bitterness that I really enjoyed, that made me favor this over the 10. Excellent
10,02 €
The Hop Vault
Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy Trappistes Rochefort 6
ABV 7.5% - 330ml - Belgian - £3.95 Rochefort 6 (red cap, brown beer, 7.5% ABV). Reddish colour, bre ...ns with a density of 16.5º Plato is 7.5% ABV. “Rochefort 6” is the oldest Rochefort Trappist beer, and was brewed empirically until the end of the Second World War. Until 1958, this was the only ...
Keg, Cask & Bottle
A dark 'double' style ale, dry and surprisingly easy drinking. 7.5% ABV 330ml Bottle
Authentique bière d’Abbaye à l’instar de ses sœur, la Rochefort 8 et la Rochefort 10, la Rochefort 6 ...efort et c’est également la plus ancienne ! Brassée seulement quelques semaines dans l’année, la Rochefort 6, par sa finesse et délicatesse, est une entrée idéale dans le monde des bières trappis ...
2,18 €
Rochefort Rochefort 6 Belgian Dubbel 24x33CL ... Login voor de prijs
Consultar Precio
Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: ROCHEFORT 6 33CL Categoría: Producto Descripción: ROCHEFORT 6 33C ...un proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% IBU (International Bitterness Units ...
2,35 €
Cork & Cask
Description Trappiste de Rochefort are top-fermented, bottle-conditioned beers, brewed within the S ...asy drinking. Abbaye de Rochefort 6 has a light citrus fruit taste, gently warmed, with some bittersweet orange notes and a hint of brown sugar. The aroma is warming with hints of raisins, prune ...
Πήρε την ονομασία της από την παλιά κλίμακα μέτρησης σε «Βελγικούς βαθμούς» που δεν χρησιμοποιείται ...πλέον σήμερα. Το κοινό την απόλαυσε πρώτη φορά το 1953.
(24x3.24) 77,81 €
Bottle of Italy
Rochefort 6Gr 33cl - Cassa da 12 Bottiglie
Vendita Online su Bottle of Italy della Birra Rochefort 6Gr 33cl - Cassa da 12 Bottiglie. Consegna i ...n 24/48 Ore (Italia) e Spedizione con Secure Box!
(12x5.08) 61,01 €
De Rochefort 6 oudste trappist van Rochefort. Een heerlijke dubbel met een zacht fruitige, licht kru ...idige en zoete smaakDe 6 is te herkennen aan de rode dop.
2,55 €
Bierhandel Blond & Stout
Rochefort 6 is een trappistenbier dat in de Abdij Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy te Rochefort in de provin ...n van Rochefort. Dit bruine bier zit vol met aroma’s van geroosterde mout, suiker en donker fruit. Het bier heeft een kopergoude kleur en witte schuimkraag en kent een zoete afdronk. ...
1,84 €
Bières de la marque Rochefort. TRAPPISTES Rochefort 6° 33CL. EAN 5412858000067.In Stock
4,69 €
New Beer Braglia
Provenienza: Belgio Stile: Abbey Dubbel Alcool: 7,5% Vol. Fermentazione: Alta Aroma: Asp e agrumato Colore: Rossastro Gusto: Dolce, di miele Formato: 33cl
2,73 €
Cervezas Mayoreo
Cerveza Trappistes Rochefort 6 Trappistes Rochefort 6 es una cerveza belga elaborada por los monjes ... cremosa. Sus aromas evocan frutas oscuras, caramelo y especias. En boca, se distingue por su sabor complejo y bien equilibrado, con notas de ciruelas, pasas, malta dulce y un toque especiado. Co ...
Rochefort Trappistes 6 Belgian Dubbel
Get Trappistes Rochefort beers at wholesale prices, delivered on the same day! At Thirsty, we offer ...a huge variety of Belgian's best family-owned, abbey and Trappist beers at the lowest prices.
Trappistes Rochefort 6 - bière belge 7.5%
Abbaye Saint Rémy Les trappistes de l'Abbaye de Saint Rémy (Rochefort, Belgique) brassent depuis 15 ... et sa complexité en font une bière idéale pour s'initier aux trappistes belges. Dégustation Apparence : robe marron, relativement claire, et mousse beige, fine et compacte Nez : fruité et houb ...
2,25 €
Beer Vikings
Rochefort 6 van het trappistenklooster Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy, beter bekend als het Trappis ...n Rochefort, die onlangs de Rochefort Triple erbij kregen. Als 1 van de 6 officiële authentieke Belgische Trappisten staat Rochefort als een dijk boven water. Rochefort 6 is meteen hun lichtste ...
2,15 €
Só Artesanais
Trappistes Rochefort 6. Cervejas artesanais online
Se estás a pensar em provar a cerveja Trappistes Rochefort 6, prepara-te para uma experiência única ...radicionais do mundo. Trappistes Rochefort 6 é uma cerveja do estilo Dubbel, com teor alcoólico de 7.5%. %split% Esta ce ...
3,00 €
Belgian Brewed
The Rochefort 6 is the oldest Rochefort Trappist beer and was brewed empirically until the end of th ...e Second World War. Before 1958, this was the only Rochefort beer to be bottled in both 33cc and 75cc bottles. Strong malt taste, slightly bitter.
2,46 €
Birra e Birre
La Rochefort 6, nota anche come tappo rosso, è la birra trappista di Rochefort più antica, derivata ...a e un corpo medio. Dotata di carbonazione vivace, la Rochefort 6 presenta al naso sentori di caramello, miele e frutta matura, che si ripresentano in bocca, mentre sul finale si avverte l’ ...
3,20 €
Windsor Bottle Shop
Rochefort, Belgium Belgian Strong Dark Ale 7.5% ABV 11.2 fl oz Reddish-brown with amber-gold hig ...hlights. A refined, soft spiciness in the bouquet finishes with an intense taste of caramel, fruit, and hints of raisins.
$7.00 - Skjold Burne
Rochefort 6 – 7,5 % – Dubbel (Trappist) – Serveringstemperatur 6-8 gr. Rochefort produc ..., der ligger til grund for denne øl. Rochefort 6 er ikke så kendt, som de to andre øl i serien (8 og 10). Det skyldes måske, at den kun bliver brygget to gange årligt, og derfor kan den i periode ...
27,00 DKK
Rochefort Trappistes Rochefort 6
Reddish colour, brewed only about once per year, representing approximately 1% of total beer product ...ort Trappist beer, and was brewed empirically until the end of the Second World War. Until 1958, this was the only Rochefort beer that was bottled in both 33 cc bottles and 75 cc bottles. It has ...
Rochefort 6 Trappistes 330mL ABV 7.5%
The "Trappistes Rochefort" is a brown ale. It is brewed and bottled within the walls of the Abbey of ...collaborators to perfectly control production. Its artisan nature is particularly appreciated by more discerning palates. This beer contains only natural products; spring water, malt barley, hops ...
Bine & Vine
STYLE DARK TRAPPIST ALE STATS ABV: 7.5% – OG: 1.066 – IBU: 18 INGREDIENTS Water, ... barley malt, candi sugar, hops, coriander, yeast.
(6x1.17) $6.99
Alpha Bottle Shop & Tap
Abbaye De Rochefort. Trappistes Rochefort 6 [Belgian Dubbel]
Country: Belgium // Style: Belgian Dubbel // Size: 330ml Bottle // ABV: 7.5% From the brewe ...émy Abbey in Rochefort, Belgium. A dark 'double' style ale, dry and surprisingly easy drinking. Abbaye de Rochefort 6 has a light citrus fruit taste, gently warmed, with some bittersweet orange n ...
Beer Force
Dubbel | 330ml | ABV 7.5% This fine brew, topped off by a red-bottle cap, is only produced for a few ...fort trio, this is the mildest and driest variety. The Rochefort 6 certainly has character, but it is less rich and comp ...
The Great Beer Experiment
BEER STYLE: Trappist Dark Ale BEER TYPE: Ale ALCOHOL: 7.5% VOLUME: 330 ml BREWERY: Rochefort COUN ...TRY: Belgium BREWERY TASTING NOTES: The oldest ...
Blackrock Cellar
Reddish-brown color with amber-gold highlights; soft body leads to earthy flavors and an herbal char ...acter. Refined, soft spiciness in the bouquet finishes with a bit of caramel. Bottle-conditioned for soft natural carbonation.
4,00 €
Castle Off Licence - Nutsaboutwine
Trappistes Rochefort 6 (330ml)
Pours a rich clear orange-red, with a thick white head that quickly dissipates. Floral aromas along ...with rum and dry fruits. Sweet taste, with rich fruity flavour, alcohol comes through clearly. Alcohol Vol: 7.5%
3,50 €
Rubia turbia espuma blanca... Me encanta.
Color rojizo turbio debido a segunda fermentación en botella. Espuma abundante y persiste una fina capa hasta el final. Sabor suave y con toque ligeramente amargo. Sabor maltoso algo afrutado. Una buena cerveza.