The Open Bottle | Birrapedia
Scratch Black Walnut 750ml

United States The Open Bottle

Scratch Black Walnut 750ml

Dark lager brewed with Southern Illinois black walnuts, crushed and toasted in our wood-fired oven a ...nd added to the boil. Fascinating flavors of nocino, sweet baked bread, and stone fruit. 6.2% ABV


Cigar City Maduro

United States The Open Bottle

Cigar City Maduro

Maduro is a Northern English-style brown ale with some American affectations. Maduro is higher in al ...lky body and works to mesh the roasted, toasted and chocolate components together in Maduro’s complex malt profile. The ...


Avery Ellie’s Brown Ale

United States The Open Bottle

Avery Ellie’s Brown Ale

This beautiful, deep russet brew is dominated by a chocolate and brown sugar maltiness with hints of ... Elle's Brown Ale after Adam Avery's beloved chocolate lab, however one Cease and Desist letter from a certain fashion p ...


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