Crafty Fingers
The Kernel. Bitter - Simonds 1880
Bitter - Simonds 1880 500ml 5.1% The Kernel, London Perhaps in style closer to how we now consider a, via the archives of the Durden Park Beer Circle. Their notes on the beer state simply: 'Dream Bitter with a lovely flav ...
Craft Beer Shop Angers
Bitter sur des notes maltées caramélisées, belle amertume verte. Superbe équilibre
5,50 €
Kernel Bitter Simonds 1880 5.8% (500ml bottle)
Brewed to an 1880 recipe from Simond's Brewery in Reading, via the archives of the Durden Park Beer ...vourite.' Round the brewery we just call it 'Dream Bitter'. The strength of the beer is typical for that era - 6% was average enough for a bitter. And the malt bill predates the common use of ...