Fountainhall Wines
Lowenbrau Original Munchner Hell 500ml
It's a refreshing yet characteristic beer, slightly dry, spicy, with trace of malt and delicately bi ...tter.
Keg, Cask & Bottle
Brewed since 1383, Löwenbräu is still produced in Munich and is brewed according to the German Reinh ...eitsgebot (purity law) that dates back to 1516. It’s a refreshing yet characteristic beer, slightly dry, spicy, with a trace of malt and delicately bitter. Vegan Friendly 5.2% ABV 500ml Bottle
Wee Beer Shop
Description Löwenbräu’s Münchner Hell features a subtly dry, spicy taste with light maltiness ... and a delicate hop bitterness, making it a refreshing and balanced choice. 5.2% 500ml bottle
Sin Stock
Lowenbrau Munchner Hell 5.2% (500ml bottle)
One of the greatest Helles Lagers of Germany. A classic amongst this type of beer, brewed according the German Reinheitsgebot. Crisp with a nice malty sweetness and refreshing hop finish.
Sin Stock
Fountainhall Wines
Lowenbrau Original Munchner Hell 500ml
It's a refreshing yet characteristic beer, slightly dry, spicy, with trace of malt and delicately bi ...tter.
Sin Stock