Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout está inspirada en la misteriosa criatura que habita en las zona ...efinada, con un cuerpo suave y aterciopelado y un final progresivo. Narwhal envejecerá en la botella durante los próximos años. [LATA 35 CL] ...
Sin Stock
Craft Beer Rockstars
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout
Bier-Details Stil Stout Zutaten Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe ...0 IBU Bewertung Untappd: 4 Über die Brauerei Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. USA Die Sierra Nevada Brewing Company wurde 1979 von Paul Camusi in Chico, Kali ...
Sin Stock
Martins Off Licence
Sierra Nevada- Narwhal Imperial Stout 10.2% ABV 355ml Bottle
A big and bold malt forward Imperial Stout. Narwhal Imperial Stout gives off delicious notes of dark ... roasted coffee, cocoa and molasses. This is a complex yet rich and intense Imperial Stout that will get better in the years to come, if you can wait that long!
Sin Stock
Aggressive but refined, our Narwhal is a malty monster of a beer. Like the sea herself, it can’t be ...s rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain, and a hint of smoke. Dive into the darkness. Size: 355ml AB ...
Sin Stock
The Crú - The Beer Club
Sierra Nevada - Narwhal Imperial stout
Sierra Nevada - Narwhal Imperial stout 350ml (Bottle) A malt-forward monster, highlighting the dept ... deppest fathoms of the frigid Arctic Ocean. Featuring incredible depth of malt flavor, rich with notes of espresso, baker's cocoa, roasted grain and a light hint of smoke, Narwhal is a massive m ...
Sin Stock
Left Field Beer
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co - Narwhal
Pre-Order: Shipping From 15.11.24 Aggressive but refined, our Narwhal is a malty monster of a beer. ...y and a decadent finish, Narwhal is rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain, and a hint of smoke. Dive into the darkness. ...
Sin Stock
La mayor variedad de Cerveza Artesanal. Cervecerías nacionales y marcas importadas. Envíos a toda l ...a República Mexicana. Visita nuestra boutique en San Luis Potosí. Compra en línea por botella y por barril.
Sin Stock
Be Hoppy
Brewery: Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Style:Imperial Stout ABV:10.2% Size:355ml Format:Bottle
Sin Stock
Birras Deluxe
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout con ABV : 10,2 % Alc/Vol. Bot : 35,5 cl.Narwhal es un enorme mo ... RateBeer.Comprar sierra nevada narwhal es una buena inversión si te gusta la buena cerveza negra americana. ...
Sin Stock
Echarle Huevos
Un monstruo de malta que acecha en las profundidades más oscuras. Descripción: Narw ...te;s profundas del gélido océano Ártico. Rico en notas de espresso, cacao de panadería, grano tostado y un ligero toque de humo, Narwhal rebosa complejidad de malta. A ...
Sin Stock
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Narwhal Imperial Stout 35cl
Narwhal Imperial Stout está inspirada en la misteriosa criatura que prospera en las profundidades má ...de espresso, cacao de panadería, grano tostado y un ligero toque de humo, Narwhal es un enorme monstruo de malta. Agresivo pero refinado con un cuerpo suave y aterciopelado y un final decadente, ...
Sin Stock
Craft Beers Delivered
Sierra Nevada Imperial Narwhal Stout Bottle
A rich and luxurious imperial stout that is made using a complex mix of roasted grains and hop varie ...ocolate, light smoke, oak, toasted coconut and sweet vanilla. Made from Caramelized malts, Choc.. ...
Sin Stock
De Biertonne
Narwhal van Sierra Nevada is een Imperial Stout met een alcoholpercentage van 10,2%.
Sin Stock
Rústico BrewPub
ESTILO: Imperial Stout G.L: 10º COLOR: Negro AROMA: Café Expresso y Chocolate Amargo. SABOR: Ahumado ... y Tostado. FORMATO: 330cc
Sin Stock
Muted Horn
Aggressive but refined, Narwhal imperial stout is a malty monster of a beer. Like the sea hers ... finish, Narwhal is rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain, and a hint of smoke. Dive into the darkness. ...
Sin Stock
Beschrijving In 1980 bouwde Ken Grossman een kleine brouwerij in Chico, Californië. Tot op de dag v ...an vandaag maakt het gebruik van de beste ingrediënten en het geen haast hebben bij het brouwen, Sierra Nevada’s ales en lagers tot een van de beste ter wereld.
Sin Stock
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout is een zeer donker biertje afkomstig uit de Verenigde Staten. D ...n van de ijskoude Noordelijke IJszee. Met daarom zijn ongelooflijke diepte smaak van mout en rijk aan tonen van espresso. Gecombineerd met cacao en geroosterd graan. Samen met een licht vleugje r ...
Sin Stock
SIERRA NEVADA - Narwhal Imperial Stout
A dark, rich and roasty Imperial Stout with complex notes of coffee, cocoa, and light smoke. A class ...ic version Imperial stout Narwhal Imperial Stout Imperial StoutSierra Nevada Brewing Co., USA / ASVVOL: 355 ml, Bottle / PudeleABV: 10.2 %IBU: 60
Sin Stock
Barbudo Growler
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout
Estilo: Imperial Stout Alcohol: 10,2% Color: Oscuro azabache
Sin Stock
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout Jahrgang 2022
Sierra Nevada Narwhal - Imperial Stout online kaufen ...aten Wasser, Gerstenmalz, Hopfen, Hefe Bierstil Stout ...
Sin Stock
100 Beers
Мощен имперски стаут вдъхновен от митичния вид кит, който обитава Северния ледовит океан - нарвал. И ...зобилстващ от препечени малцове и нюанси на какао, кафе,
Sin Stock
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. Narwhal Imperial Stout
Агресивний, але при цьому вишуканий імператорський стаут із насиченим ароматом та глибоким солодовим ...одним вечором, не поспішаючи, а ще краще взяти ... ...
Sin Stock
Burg Bieren Bierwinkel
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout
Land: Amerikaans bier Type: Russian Imperial Stout Alcohol: 10,2% Inhoud: 35,5cl
Sin Stock
Craft & Draft
Narwhal Imperial Stout é inspirada na misteriosa criatura que vive nas profundezas do gélido Oceano ...e uma leve pitada de fumo, Narwhal é um enorme monstro de malte. Agressivo, mas refinado, com um corpo aveludado e acabamento surpreendente. ...
Sin Stock
The Open Bottle
Narwhal Imperial Stout is inspired by the mysterious creature that thrives in the deepest fathoms of ...ker’s cocoa, roasted grain and a light hint of smoke, Narwhal is a massive malt-forward monster. Aggressive but refined ...
Sin Stock
Bierwinkel de Verwachting
Barrel Aged Imperial Stout |11, 9% | 47 cl blik | California USA | Untappd 4,21 |
Sin Stock
Goblet Beer Store
Sierra Nevada - NARWHAL 2020 355ml
ABV: 10,2% IBU: 60 STYLE: Stout - Imperial / Double Narwhal Imperial Stout is inspired by the myste ...depth of malt flavor, rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain and a light hint of smoke, Narwhal is a massive malt-forward monster. Aggressive but refined with a velvety smooth ...
Sin Stock
Blackrock Cellar
Aggressive but refined, our Narwhal is a malty monster of a beer. Like the sea herself, it can’t be ...s rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain, and a hint of smoke. Dive into the darkness. ...
Sin Stock
Half Time
Sierra Nevada Brewing Co Narwhal Imperial Stout
Narwhal Imperial Stout is inspired by the mysterious creature that thrives in the deepest fathoms of ...ker’s cocoa, roasted grain and a light hint of smoke, Narwhal is a massive malt-forward monster. Aggressive but refined with a velvety smooth body and decadent finish, Narwhal will age in the bot ...
Sin Stock
Agressief maar verfijnd, onze Narwhal is een moutig monster van een bier. Net als de zee zelf kan zi ...ente afdronk en is rijk aan tonen van espresso, bakkercacao, geroosterd graan en een vleugje rook. Duik in de duisternis ...
Sin Stock
Onlygoodbeer - Csakajósör
Narwhal 2021 Sierra Nevada (USA) 0,355L - 10,2%
Selected beer: Narwhal 2021 | Sierra Nevada (USA) | 0,355L - 10,2% Further details: 0,3 ...55L Imperial Stout Country of origin: USA ABV: 10,2% Brewery: Sierra Nevada Deposit: none Your price: €6.45
Sin Stock
Aggressive but refined, our Narwhal is a malty monster of a beer. Like the sea herself, it can’t be ...s rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain, and a hint of smoke. Dive into the darkness. 355ml bottle, 10.2% ABV ...
Sin Stock
Uba ja Humal
Sierra Nevada Narwhal 10,2%vol 35,5cl
Imperial Stout Narwhal Imperial Stout is inspired by the mysterious creature that thrives in ... notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain and a light hint of smoke, Narwhal is a massive malt-forward monster. Aggressive but refined with a velvety smooth body and decadent finish, Narwh ...
Sin Stock
Sweeney’s D3
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout
Narwhal Imperial Stout is inspired by the mysterious creature that thrives in the deepest fathoms of ... of smoke, Narwhal brims with malt complexity. Aggressive but refined with a velvety smooth body and decadent finish, Narwhal will age in the bottle for years to come. ...
Sin Stock
The Hop Vault
ABV 10.2% - 350ml - Imperial Stout - £7.10 Narwhal Imperial Stout is inspired by the mysterious cre ...malt flavor, rich with notes of espresso, baker’s cocoa, roasted grain and a light hint of smoke, Narwhal is a massive malt-forward monster. Aggressive but refined with a velvety smooth body and ...
Sin Stock
Bine & Vine
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout 2023 12oz
Sierra Nevada Narwhal Imperial Stout POWERFUL, PENSIVE — A SNIFTER OF SOUL. THIS BEER IS NOT FOR TH ...d, Two-row Pale Hops Cascade, Ekuanot Yeast Ale Yeast 10.2% ALCOHOL BY VOLUME 60 BITTERNESS UNITS 24.2° ORIGINAL GRAVITY 6.6° FINISHING GRAVITY ...
Sin Stock