The Great Beer Experiment
BEER STYLE: Hazy IPA BEER TYPE: Ale ALCOHOL: 6.0% VOLUME: 440 ml BREWERY: Polly's COUNTRY: UK BREWER ...Y TASTING NOTES: Ah the kitchen disco – where d...
Beer Force
IPA | 440ml | ABV 6.0% Ah the kitchen disco – where dubious playlists are formed, even more dubious ...nds its way in and out. Wanting to pay homage to the humble kitchen discos and afters that have peppered themselves thro ...
Left Field Beer
Citra, Comet, Enigma Mosaic.Wanting to pay homage to the humble kitchen discos and afters that have ...peppered themselves through our lives here at Polly’s, we threw some ideas around ideas around a creative meeting and Discodelica was born from it.