in treacle. Floral manuka honey is then joined by elegant pecan and a touch of bitterness to balance before rounding out with an assertive malty backbone.
Appearance: Dark chocolate hue with a mocha-brown head.
Nose: Rich roasted chestnuts and candied dates mingle with toffee and dark chocolate notes jumping out as your glass warms up.
Malts: Pale malt, Munich malt, Buckwheat malt, Carafa 2 special, Oat malt, Flaked oats, Cara pale, Special B, Red malt, Buckwheat hulls, Demerara sugar
Перфектно изпълнен имперски стаут с безобразно количство шоколадов малц и всички възможни нюанси на ...препечено, а ако не ти бяхме казали, едва ли щеше да се