Fine Cider
Pilton Road Trip 2020. Road Trip 2020
Still Medium-Dry Fine Cider Featuring the Tremlett's Bitter & Brown's apples; grown in the sout ...te wine mouthfeel, delicate tannins & long after-taste. The label was drawn in 1916 by the maker’s great-grandfather, as a fantasy journey, looking forward to a brave new world after the fi ...
The Cat In The Glass
Description Still Somerset cider, featuring Tremlett’s Bitter & Brown’s ...errima, partly in burgundy and in rum barrels. Caramel on the nose, smooth white wine mouthfeel, delicate tannins, long after-taste, off-dry. Presented still, in a wine bottle with cork and whit ...
Independent Spirit of Bath
Featuring Tremlett's Bitter & Brown's Apple, grown in the south somerset parish of Haselbury Plu ...l was drawn in 1916, as a fantasy journey, looking forward to a brave new world, after the first world war. 1x 750ML 5.5%ABV ...