The Triangle
Paulaner - Oktoberfest - 6% Oktoberfest Bier - 500ml Bottle
6% Oktoberfest Bier 500ml Bottle Ever since 1818 we have brewed our bottom-fermented Oktoberfest B is full of October sunshine, strong and golden. The perfect balance of a light taste of hops and a strong note of malt. A feast of a beer, which always goes down well. This beer is only bre ...
Paulaner Oktoberfest 50cl Bottle
Germany’s favourite Oktoberfest beer and a true institution in Munich. The glass is full of October ... A feast of a beer, which always goes down well. This beer is only brewed for the Oktoberfest. That’s where it belongs, ...
The Epicurean
Paulaner, Oktoberfest Bier, German Lager, 6.0%, 500ml
Shop and buy online our fine selection of craft beers, lagers and ciders from around the world inclu ...ding Britain, America, Belgium, Germany and gluten free.
Harrogate Wines
Such a popular Such a clean refreshing beer with a lovely dry finish. Easy drinking and easy to see ... why this is classed as such a benchmark brewery.
Clapton Craft
Germany’s favorite Oktoberfest beer and a true institution in Munich. The glass is full of October s ...A feast of a beer, which always goes down well. This beer is only brewed for the Oktoberfest. That’s where it belongs, along with all the fun of the fair like the Ferris wheel and roasted almonds ...
No sé si los recuerdos y el momento la hacen especial....pero me encanto