Etre Gourmet
Funky Fluid Harder Than You Think
"West Coast IPA in a new version, the popularity of which we noticed during our trip to the USA - Da ...nk. In addition to strong bitterness, you also will find very intense, resinous and pine hop notes provided by the Galaxy, Amarillo and Columbus varieties."
Sin Stock
Funky Fluid Harder Than You Think
West Coast IPA in a new version, the popularity of which we noticed during our trip to the USA - Dan ...k. In addition to strong bitterness, you also will find very intense, resinous and pine hop notes provided by the Galaxy, Amarillo and Columbus varieties. Size: 500ml ABV: 6.0%
Sin Stock
Funky Fluid Harder Than You Think 0,5L
Az erősen gyantás, füves fenyős és narancsos komlójegyek irányába főzött West Coast IPA. Komlók: Gal keserűségükről és citrusos, fenyős aromájukról és ízükről ismertek – jellemzően nagyobb mennyiségű komlót adagolnak a főzőüstbe, ami a stílus sajátosságát adó keserűséget és az erőtejes komlóí ...
Sin Stock
Funky Fluid Harder Than You Think 50cl
Funky Fluid – Harder Than You Think 50cl Dank West Coast IPA Galaxy, Amarillo & Columbus ... 6%ABV
Sin Stock
Harder Than You Think Funky Fluid
Very intense, resinous and pine hop notes provided by the Galaxy, Amarillo and Columbus varieties
Sin Stock
Beer Butik
Funky Fluid - 14°Harder Than You Think 500ml can 6% alc.
West Coast IPA v nové verzi, jejíž obliby jsme zaznamenali při naší cestě do USA - Dank. Kromě silné ... odrůdy Galaxy, Amarillo a Columbus. West Coast IPA in a new version, the popularity of which we noticed during our trip to ...
Sin Stock
Funky Fluid – Harder Than You Think – West Coast IPA
Browar : Funky Fluid Styl / Style: West Coast IPA Ekstrakt / BLG: 14 Alkohol / ABV: 6% Opakowanie / ...Size: 0,5l puszka
Sin Stock