2,95 €
Sin Stock
Lervig Soupe Du Jour 33 Cl. (lattina) (collab. Brasserie de la Senne)
Produttore: Lervig Aktiebryggeri Stile: Saison Sapore: Amaro Grado Alcolico: 4,70%
Sin Stock
Lervig Soupe Du Jour (Lattina 33cl)
33cl Lattina | Alc. 4.7% vol. | Farmhouse Ale/Grisette | Soupe du Jour è una Grisette ...te di estere del ceppo di lievito belga e una chiara amarezza con un aroma fruttato e un sapore di agrumi tipici del luppolo Loral, aggiunto durante la fermentazione. È super bevibile e, proprio ...
Sin Stock
Lervig de La Senne - Soupe Du Jour
Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collab with Brasserie de la Senne. It has a soft body with ... subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a ...
Sin Stock
Etre Gourmet
Lervig / de la Senne Soupe du Jour
DOUBLE DRY-HOPPED GRISETTE 4.7% "Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collaboration with Brasse ...biggest food festival, Gladmat. It has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bitterness with fruity aroma and citrus flavour from Loral hops added during ...
Sin Stock
Canteen Lervig
Lervig Soupe du Jour 0,33cl 4,7%
DOUBLE DRY-HOPPED GRISETTE 4.7% collab with Brasserie de la Senne Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Gri ...ands of dishes served at Norway’s biggest food festival, Gladmat. It has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bitterness with fruity aroma and citrus fla ...
Sin Stock
Craft Beer Rockstars
Lervig Soupe Du Jour GrisetteFarmhouse Ale
Stil Grisette / Farmhouse Ale Zuta ... Hopfen k.A. Alkohol 4,7% Vol. Abfülldatum ...
Sin Stock
La Mise en Bière
Lervig Lervig - Brasserie de la Senne - Soup du Jour - 4.7% - 33cl - Can
https://lamise.ch/photos-produits/Lervig - Brasserie de la Senne - Soup du Jour - 4.7% - 33cl - Can. ...JPG
Sin Stock
Lervig x De La Senne Soupe Du Jour
Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collaboration with Brasserie de la Senne that was brewed t ...t has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bitterness with fruity aroma and ci ...
Sin Stock
Ghost Whale
Lervig De la Senne - Soupe De Jour - 4.7% (330ml)
"DOUBLE DRY-HOPPED GRISETTE 4.7% Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collaboration with B ...ay’s biggest food festival, Gladmat. It has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bi ...
Sin Stock
Craft Central
Lervig & Brasserie De La Senne Soupe Du Jour
Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collaboration with Brasserie de la Senne that was brewed t ...t has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bitterness with fruity aroma and ci ...
Sin Stock
Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collaboration with Brasserie de la Senne that was brewed t ...t has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bitterness with fruity aroma and ci ...
Sin Stock
Lervig Soupe du Jour Collab 0,33L
Duplán hidegkomlózott Grisette, ami az élesztő karaktereiről és a Loral komló jegyeiről szól. ...ármazik. A modern sörfőzésben a saison száraz, erősen szénsavas, gyümölcsös és közepesen erős: 6-8%-os alkoholtartalmú. Színét nem csak a maláta, hanem akár a hozzáadott fűszerek, gyógynövények i ...
Sin Stock
ND John Wine Merchants
Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collaboration with Brasserie de la Senne that was brewed t ...t has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bitterness with fruity aroma and citrus flavour from Loral hops added during fermentation. It’s super drinkabl ...
Sin Stock
La Abadía Alcorcón - La Despensa Del Abad
Soup du Jour Lervig & Brasserie de la Senne
Soupe du Jour es una cerveza elaborada por los noruegos de Lervig en colaboración con la belga Brass ...en el Gladmat, el festival gastronómico más grande que se celebra en Noruega. Se trata de una Grisette, un antiguo estilo de cerveza con raíces belgas, hecha con lúpulo seco y tiene un cuerpo sua ...
Sin Stock
De Biertonne
Soupe du Jour van Lervig is een Grisette met een alcoholpercentage van 4,7%.
Sin Stock
Lervig Soupe Du Jour lattina 33cl
Acquista online Birra Lervig Soupe Du Jour lattina 33cl al prezzo di euro. Birra in stile Grisette ... e spezie (pepe nero e pepe bianco), il tutto accompagnato da un'abbondate luppolatura (Loral) che dona secchezza e amarezza. Birra da bere a secchiate. Collaborazione con Brasserie De La Senne. ...
Sin Stock
Het Biermeisje
Je vindt het lekkerste speciaalbier bij Het Biermeisje. Online en in de winkel. Altijd goed advies v ...oor jouw smaak.
Sin Stock
Sweeney’s D3
Lervig Soupe du Jour Dry Hopped Grisette
Soupe du Jour is a dry-hopped Grisette in collaboration with Brasserie de la Senne that was brewed t ...t has a soft body with subtle ester notes from the Belgian yeast strain, and a clear bitterness with fruity aroma and citrus flavour from Loral hops added during fermentation. It’s super drinkabl ...
Sin Stock