The Hoptimist
Description IPA – Triple New England / Hazy – Can 440ml – 10.0% PuTTTy, the hopp ...iest beer we ever brewed, is back for 2025… And once again, we pushed the recipe to its limit. Verdant style!
Quaff Webshop
Verdant Puttty (2025) TIPA 10%
TIPA. Houblons : Azacca, Galaxy, Mosaic. Après Putty, voici Puttty ! Une Triple IPA très attend houblons viennent saturer la langue avec ses saveurs de végétaux humides, mangue mûre, pêche, pin… La bière la plus houblonnée de l’histoire de Verdant. Maximum 2 canettes par personn ...
12,50 €
Crafty Fingers
PuTTTy 25 TIPA 10% Verdant, Cornwall PuTTTy, the hoppiest beer we ever brewed, is back for 2025... ...dry-hop, on top of the 10 grams per litre in the whirlpool, expect a thick, creamy, hoppy and intense Triple IPA (10%). ...