The kernel
Vatted Stout Porter 1864 -8.2% 750ml
A single 750ml bottle of our Vatted Stout Porter 1864, 8.2% Thie Vatted Stout Porter was brewed to e ...he beer exhibits a unique balance of light fruitiness and sharp acidity. Its deep chocolate aroma and acidity complemen ...
The kernel
Vatted Stout Porter 1864, 8.2% 330ml
A single 330ml bottle of our Vatted Stout Porter 1864, 8.2% Thie Vatted Stout Porter was brewed to e ...he beer exhibits a unique balance of light fruitiness and sharp acidity. Its deep chocolate aroma and acidity complemen ...
Beer Paradise
THE KERNEL BREWERY Vatted Stout Porter 8.2%
Product DetailsVatted stout porter. UNTAPPD SCORE BREWERY INFO THE KERNEL BREWERYWe brew pale a ...itterness of hops; the complex warmth and layers of roasted malts; the clarity of cold fermentations; or the acidity, tannin, and texture contributed by mixed fermentations, by time and barrels, ...
Sin Stock