Cantina della Birra
Aspetto: si mostra con un colore rosso rubino anticipata da una schiuma color ocra, cremosa e abbast ...o con fragranze dolci di frutta rossa , agrumi, floreale da luppolo, erbaceo, caramella mou, malto tostato, caramello, segale e spezie. Corpo e gusto: il corpo e la carbonatazione si attestano ...
Sin Stock
Beers of Europe
On the nose, this ruby-red beer is delicate, floral and fruity, with notes of violets, cherries, tof ...fee and caramel.On the palate, the fruits combine with a juicy malt character and hints of toasted malt, with a biscuit malt and spicy hop finish.
Sin Stock
Orkney Brewery Red MacGregor 50cl
Acquista online Birra Orkney Brewery Red MacGregor 50cl al prezzo di euro. Red Ale con forti sentor ...i di caramello, frutta rossa, biscotti, erbaceo da luppolo e malto tostato. La bevuta è semplice e gustosa grazie a un finale amaro, erbaceo e vivace.
Sin Stock
The Beer Town
Orkney Red Macgregor Ale 8x500ml
Orkney Red Macgregor Ale 8x500ml. Buy beer online at The Beer Town, a beer shop specialising in prem from our online beer shop. Buy beer for you, or buy beer gifts . FREE beer delivery when you spend £100. ...
Sin Stock
Red MacGregor is a mighty beer indeed. It has a wonderfully complex aroma of fruity hop zest, spicin ...ay to a clean, fruity, refreshing hop bitterness. One of the first beers in Scotland, that expressively used the American hop Cascade, for citrusy fruit flavours. ...
Sin Stock
Orkney Brewery RED MacGREGOR 0,5l
Orkney Brewery Red MacGregor – Ein Schottisches Bier mit Zitrus- und Malzkomplexität Das Orkney Bre ...feiert. Es gehört zu den ersten schottischen Bieren, das den amerikanischen Cascade Hopfen verwendet – ein Schritt, der zu dieser Zeit noch sehr ungewöhnlich war. Der Cascade-Hopfen bringt frisch ...
Sin Stock