Beer Butik
Funky Fluid - 18°Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding 500ml can 5,5% alc.
Nová verze naší nejprodávanější série Gelato. Odvážné, sladké a pikantní pivo s banánem, broskví, ca ...2400 The new version of our best-selling Gelato series. A bold, sweet and tangy beer with banana, peach, calamansi, and vanilla. Složení: Voda, ječný ,pšeničný a ovesný slad, ...
129,00 Kč
Funky Fluid Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding
Sour | 5,5% | 50cl | Untappd: 4,10
6,50 €
Funky Fluid - Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding
Sour - Smoothie / Pastry | Untappd: 4.08
7,10 €
Ghost Whale
Funky Fluid - Gelato: Banana Peach Calamansi Pudding - 5.5% (500ml)
"The new version of our best-selling Gelato series. A bold, sweet and tangy beer with banana, p ...each, calamansi, and vanilla."
De Biersalon
Funky Fluid Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding
The new version of our best-selling Gelato series. A bold, sweet and tangy beer with banana, peach, ...calamansi, and vanilla.
6,39 €
Pivní lednice
Funky Fluid Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding 18°5,5% 0,5l
Nový přírůstek do naší milované řady gose, úžasně spojující kyselou slanost klasického gose s tropic ......
139,00 Kč
The Hoptimist
Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding Funky Fluid
Description Sour – Smoothie / Pastry – Can 500ml – 5.5% The new version of our b ...est-selling Gelato series. A bold, sweet and tangy beer with banana, peach, calamansi, and vanilla. 18blg
Etre Gourmet
Funky Fluid Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding
"The new version of our best-selling Gelato series. A bold, sweet and tangy beer with banana, peach, ... calamansi, and vanilla."
6,01 €
Funky Fluid Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding 50cl
Funky Fluid – Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding 50cl Ice Cream Sour banana, meloco ...tón, calamansi y vainilla 5.5%ABV
6,99 €
Gelato: Banana, Peach & Calamansi Pudding Funky Fluid
A bold, sweet and tangy beer with banana, peach, calamansi, and vanilla
6,09 €
Het Biermeisje
Funky Fluid Gelato: Banana Peach & Calamansi Pudding
Je vindt het lekkerste speciaalbier bij Het Biermeisje. Online en in de winkel. Altijd goed advies v ...oor jouw smaak.
6,50 €
Dexter & Jones
Funky Fluid - Gelato: Banana Peach Calamansi Pudding
Craft Beer: Funky Fluid - Gelato: Banana Peach Calamansi Pudding Fresh Craft Beer from our Bottle Sh ...r favorites. Huge amounts of mango and berries went into the sweet and sour base beer. 18blg A single version of one of our highest rated Triple Gelato variants. A fruit bomb full of raspberries, ...
Funky Fluid
Funky Fluid Gelato: Banana, Peach & Calamansi Pudding 500ml
Ice Cream Sour, 5,5%
Sin Stock