In the words of the Wurzels, “When I’m dead, they’ll bury me, In the shade of a cider-apple tree.” As a West Country company, we cherish a good alcohol-free cider, and this pack celebrates the finest English
Enjoy a delightful assortment of refreshing, alcohol-free ciders that capture the essence of traditional cider-making. Perfect for any occasion, this pack offers a variety of flavours to suit every palate. Whether you’re a seasoned cider enthusiast or new to the world of alcohol-free options, the Cider Apple Tree 8 Bottle Wise Pack is sure to impress.
The pack includes 2 of each: Sheppys Low Alcohol Classic Cider Maiden Mill `Flyer` Cloudy Medium Dry Alcohol Free Cider Magners Zero ,Alcohol Free Cider Adnams Wild Wave Low Alcohol Cider Can
From time to time due to stock levels appropriate substitutes or cidertutues as well call them maybe put in the box :) Ver menos