Chimay Red is a Dubbel-style Trappist ale with huge depth of flavour. It has lots of banana-like aromas, as well as plenty of dark fruit notes from the big, smooth malt base. You can expect fig, dates, raisins and even a little coffee
DID YOU KNOW that Red is the oldest of the beers brewed at the Chimay Trappist abbey and brewery.
Chimay say “It’s beautiful brown colour is awash with hues ranging from smoldering copper to deep ruby. It’s balanced blend of generous fruity flavours and toffee pleases every palate. A succession of ripe fruits such as orange, peach and apricot is paired exquisitely with sweet malty flavours such as nougat and biscuit. Its refreshing minerality and smooth bitterness complete the palette of flavours. The delightful pairing of aromas and flavours lingers well into the aftertaste and leaves the mouth eagerly anticipating the next sip.”