Ales & Co.
Gueuzerie Tilquin Gueuze Tilquin 40-60
Oude Gueuze Tilquin 40-60, birra a fermentazione spontanea, frutto del blend di 40% lambic di 1 anno ... e 60% lambic di 2 anni.
128,10 €
Caps and Taps
Tilquin Gueuze 40-60 6.8% (375ml)
Beer of spontaneous fermentation, the Gueuze Tilquin 40-60 is made from the blending of 40 % 1 year ...old and 60 % 2 years old lambics, matured in oak barrels. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer is refermented in the bottle.
The Dead Crafty Beer Company
Gueuzerie Tilquin: Gueuze Tilquin 40-60
Beer of spontaneous fermentation, the Gueuze Tilquin 40-60 is made from the blending of 40 % 1 year ...old and 60 % 2 years old lambics, matured in oak barrels. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer is refermented in the bottle. ABV 6.8% Bottle 375ml
Beyond Beer
Spannendes Geuze-Experiment von Tilquin! Dieses Bier sollte man zusammen mit dem 60-40 kaufen, denn ...tem Lambic und zu 40% mit 2-Jahre altem Lambic geblendet. Es ist ein wenig süffiger und hat ein weniger stark ausgeprägte Säure. Das 40-60 hingegen wurde zu 40% mit 1-Jahre altem Lambic und ...
9,29 €
Tilquin Gueuze 40-60 | 37.5 cl | 6.8% Bier van spontane gisting, de Gueuze Tilquin 60-40 is gemaakt ... van de assemblage van 40% 1 jaar oude en 60% 2 jaar oude lambiek, gerijpt in eikenhouten vaten. Ongefilterd en ongepasteuriseerd, dit bier wordt hergist in de fles.
5,00 €
Gueuzerie Tilquin - Gueuze Tilquin 40-60
Obtinuta din blendarea a 40% lambic maturat un an si 60% lambic maturat doi ani, Gueuze Tilquin 40-6 ...0 ofera o complexitate unica.Fermentatia spontana si maturarea in butoaie de stejar confera acestei beri o complexitate si o unicitate greu de egalat. O alegere rara pentru cei care cauta experiente g
59,00 LEI
Beer of spontaneous fermentation, the Gueuze Tilquin 40-60 is made from the blending of 40 % 1 year ...old and 60 % 2 years old lambics, matured in oak barrels. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, this beer is refermented in the bottle. Size: 375ml ABV: 6.8%