Bodecall SPONSOR
Típica Lager Hell de Múnich, de sabor suave y muy agradable, 4,9%. 50 cl.
2,08 €
Blackrock Cellar
As people in Bavaria are very demanding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are ver ...y aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, smooth and mellow. A perfectly balanced taste and aroma.
3,50 €
Wee Beer Shop
Description Everyday easy-drinking malty lager. “Classic Helles, light and sweet.” 500 bottle 4.9%
Ayinger Lager Hell es la típica cerveza de consumo diario en Baviera. Junto con la cerveza de trigo ...da se caracteriza por un hermoso tono dorado claro. El equilibrio entre la malta ligera y un toque de lúpulo, la convierte en una experiencia única y de gran tomabilidad. Una cerveza con cuerpo ...
Johnny’s Off License
Questa birra, haun colore biondo dorato. Il bouquet dei luppoli è quasi esclusivamente erbaceo con u ...uppolo svolge un ruolo di pulizia ed entra in scena delicatamente, portando con sé una delicata vena erbacea che poi va a definire anche il retrogusto. Birra dissetante ed estremamente facile da ...
3,50 €
Alpha Bottle Shop & Tap
Ayinger Privatbrauerei. Lager Hell [Lager]
Country: Germany // Style: Lager // Size: 500ml Bottle // ABV: 4.9% From the brewery: "Ayi ...Hell style is the most famous beer style in the Bavarian south. As people in Bavaria are very demanding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are very aware of the necessity to ...
The Belgian Beer Company
Strength: 4.9% ABV Size of Bottle: 50cl Beer Description: Ayinger Lager Hell is a very typical Bav ...arian lager. It is a blond beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, smooth and mellow.
Keg, Cask & Bottle
Prestwich Beer Shop and Tasting Room. Craft beer, world beer, local beer, specialist drinks, Manches ...ter spirits. Bottle Shop and off-licence. Online beer shop with beer delivery.
Craftbeer Shop
Das Ayinger Hell ist ein untergäriges, helles Vollbier, dass sich durch seine verfeinerte Rezeptur a ...uszeichnet. Probiert es!
2,29 €
House of Ales
Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Together with wheat beer this Muenchen ...anding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are very aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, smooth and mellow. A perfectly balan ...
Great Grog
4.9% abv BAVARIA. Crisp, smooth and mellow. An absolute classic BOTTLE
Ayinger Lager 500ml ΜΠΥΡΕΣ Η Ayinger Lager από τις ποιο διάσημες μπύρες στην Βαυαρία, είναι μια ισορ ...ροπημένη μπύρα σε άρωμα και γεύση.
2,70 €
Bath Road Beers
Description 4.9% abv 500 ml Hell style lager from Munich, Germany
The Fine Wine Company
Ayinger, Lager Hell, 500ml Bottle
Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Together with wheat beer this Muenchen ...anding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are very aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer ...
Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Together with wheat beer this Muenchen ...manding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are very aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, smooth and mellow. A perfectly bal ...
2,50 €
Ayinger Lager Hell. With a yellow-golden color, this crisp and smooth Munich Hell style lager has a ...dishes like beef, pork and cold meats. Plus, it pairs perfectly with traditional side dishes like radish and Brez'n. Whe ...
Biershop Bayern
Ayinger Lager Hell - 9 Flaschen
Untergäriges, helles Vollbier Auch wenn mittlerweile für viele Weißbier das typische bayerisch Gelegenheit schmeckt. Wer in der Wirtschaft einfach nur „a Bier“ oder „a Hoibe“ bestellt, bekommt stets sein frisch gezapftes „Helles“. Als Alltagsbier muss es das Helle was den Geschmack b ...
19,90 €
House of Ales
Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Together with wheat beer this Muenchen ...anding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are very aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, smooth and mellow. A perfectly balan ...
Dead Time Beers
Bavarian Lager Golden quaffing lager, with a light malt taste with crisp and smooth tones and a mel ...low finish. 4.9% ABV33cl BottleVegan
Aranysárga szín, visszafogott malátaédesség, könnyed, friss lecsengés, pont amilyennek egy Helles-ne ...úlyos láger sör, amely a kellemes malátaédességet és testet virágos nemes komlóval és visszafogott keserűséggel egyensúlyozza ki. A helles a visszafogottság, a finomság és az ihatóság mesterkurzu ...
1.000 Ft
Beer Paradise
AYINGER Lager Hell 4.9%
Product DetailsWith a yellow-golden color, this crisp and smooth Munich Hell style lager has a light ...s like beef, pork and cold meats. Plus, it pairs perfectly with traditional side dishes like radish and Brez'n. Whether you're looking for a casual drinking session with friends or for a unique a ...
Consultar Precio
Ayinger Lager Hell 4.9% (500ml bottle)
Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Together with wheat beer this Muenchen ...manding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are very aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, smooth and mellow. A perfectly bala ...
Beer Ritz
AYINGER Lager Helles - a smooth and balanced German lager with a delicate sweetness and subtle hop ...bitterness, resulting in a clean and refreshing finish.
Ayinger Lager Hell 4.9% vol. 0.5l
Unser Klassiker mit verfeinerter Rezeptur zeichnet sich durch einen schönen, hellen Goldton... ... weiterlesen
2,20 €
House of Ales
Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Together with wheat beer this Muenchen ...anding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are very aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, smooth and mellow. A perfectly balan ...
Cork & Cask
Description A classic Bavarian style pils. Staple, quality German lager with clean and refreshing h ...op character. 4.9% / 500ml
Dexter & Jones
Craft Beer: Ayinger, Lager Hell - Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Toge ... As people in Bavaria are very demanding as far as their daily drink is concerned, the brewers are very aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, s ...
House of Ales
Ayinger Lager Hell (50L A-Type Keg)
Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Together with wheat beer this Muenchen ...anding as far as their daily drink is concerned the brewers are very aware of the necessity to brew a yellow-golden beer with a light malt taste. It is crisp, smooth and mellow. A perfectly balan ...
Lager Hell 50cl - Cerveza Alemania Fábrica: Ayinger Estilo: Lager ABV (Grados alcohol) N/A Color Rub ...eza de espuma esponjosa y densa de color blanco y de gran tamaño con presencia duradera en el cristal. Aroma a granos de ...
2,80 €
Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: AYINGER LAGER HELL 500ML Categoría: Producto Descripción: AYINGER ...seleccionados y un proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% IBU (International ...
2,95 €
Ayinger Lager Hell is the typical every day drink in Bavaria. Together with wheat beer, this Muenche ...ner Hell style is the most famous beer style in the Bavarian south. 500ml bottle, 4.9% ABV