12,03 €
Trillium Brewing Co. Long Life - Apricot
Long Life is a American Wild Ale aged in oak casks with different varieties of wine grapes, hops and ...in oak imparts. All-in-all over two and a half years of barrel-aging and cellaring went into bringing this series to the bottle. This edition of Long Life is aged on Muscat grape juice, Mandar ...
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Trillium Long Life Apricot 33cl
Long Life is a American Wild Ale aged in oak casks with different varieties of wine grapes, hops and ...in oak imparts. All-in-all over two and a half years of barrel-aging and cellaring went into bringing this series to the bottle. This edition of Long Life is... ...
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Long Life Apricot American Wild Ale Aged 33 cl Trillium
Long Life: Apricot est une bière de la brasserie craft américaine Trillium Brewing Company. De style ... American Wild Ale Aged On Muscat, Mandarina Bavaria...
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Passione Birra
Trillium Brewing Long Life Apricot 33 cl.-Sour Ale Wild Ale
“Long Life” è una serie di birre in stile American Wild Ale passate in botte con differe ...nti varietà di uve, luppoli e frutta. In questa specifica birra viene usato uva Moscato, luppolo Mandarina e come frutta l’albicocca, per poi fare un passaggio in botte di circa 6 mesi.
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Brew Cavern
Description Long Life Apricot. Long Life is an American Wild Ale aged in oak casks with different v ...nd complexity that extended time in oak imparts. All-in-all over two and a half years of barrel-aging and cellaring went into bringing this series to the bottle. This edition of Long Life is age ...
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TRILLIUM Brewing Co Long Life : Apricot
American Wild Ale, vieilli en fûts de chêne.
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Nisha Craft
Long Life Apricot BA Muscat Grape Juice, Mandarina Bavaria and Apricot, Trillium Brewing Company
Untappd: 4.12 Talpa: 330 ml buteliukas
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