echinacea and rose hip jam. Pear and crabapple skins work with the amphora, creating a gentle river of texture.
Integrated minerals and a kiss of Montmorency cherries round it all out. Scoria is tart, textured and lightly tannic, while keeping true to both fruit and clay. The limestone-rich clay Revels amphorae are made from adds salinity, reduces acidity and lends a saline texture to the ciders aged inside them.
Ageing a finished product in clay or oak slowly pulls flavour out of those vessels. But during fermentation, cider has so much more movement — yeast turning sugar into alcohol and CO2 naturally stirs the liquid, extracting flavour from the vessel more quickly than ageing a finished blend would.
Despite that, Scoria isn’t over the top. It’s cider with a kiss of cherries and perry, with a subtle layering of texture. Clay minerals, cherry tannins and pear sweetness are all interwoven on top of a bed of apple acidity. Scoria is bright, but airy too. Ver menos