1,97 €
Biershop Bayern
Flötzinger Weißbier alkoholfrei - 9 Flaschen
Unbeschwerter Genuss, leicht und erfrischend. Durch den sanften Alkoholentzug bleibt der typische We ...ißbiergeschmack erhalten - "ein richtiges Bier" aber ohne Alkohol. Der ideale Durstlöscher für Sportler. Reich an Mineralien und Spurenelementen – kalorienreduziert!
(9x2.21) 19,90 €
Biershop Bayern
Erl Hefeweisse alkoholfrei - 9 Flaschen
Naturtrübes Hefeweissbier. Alkoholfrei und kalorienreduziert für ideale Erfrischung nach Sport und A ...rbeit.
(9x2.21) 19,90 €
Beer Merchants
Flotzinger Weizen Alcohol Free
Carefree enjoyment, light and refreshing. Due to the gentle alcohol withdrawal, the typical wheat be ...er taste is retained - "a real beer" but without alcohol. The ideal thirst quencher for athletes. Rich in minerals, trace elements and reduced in calories!
Sin Stock
Die Alkoholfreie von Hopf überzeugt durch den fruchtig, frischen Hopf Weißbiergeschmack. Erfrischend ...e Fruchtnoten mit angenehmer Würze machen diesen Durstlö
Sin Stock
Independent Spirit of Bath
Flotzinger Weizen Alcohol Free
Carefree enjoyment, light and refreshing. Due to the gentle alcohol withdrawal, the typical wheat be ...er taste is retained - "a real beer" but without alcohol. The ideal thirst quencher for athletes. Rich in minerals, trace elements and reduced in calories! 1x 500ml 0%ABV
Sin Stock
Thirsty Cambridge
Flotzinger Alcohol Free Weizen AF Wheat Beer 0% 500ml
Carefree enjoyment, light and refreshing. Due to the gentle alcohol withdrawal, the typical wheat be ...er taste is retained - "a real beer" but without alcohol.
Sin Stock
The Hop Vault
Flötzinger Bräu Rosenheim Weizen Alkoholfrei
ABV 0.5% - 500ml - Weiss Beer - £2.5 Carefree enjoyment, light and refreshing. Due to the gentle al ...cohol withdrawal, the typical wheat beer taste is retained - "a real beer" but without alcohol. The ideal thirst quencher for athletes. Rich in minerals, trace elements and reduced in calories!
Sin Stock
Keg, Cask & Bottle
Flotzinger Weissbier Alkoholfrei
Carefree enjoyment, light and refreshing. Due to the gentle alcohol withdrawal, the typical wheat be ...er taste is retained - "a real beer" but without alcohol. Rich in minerals, trace elements and reduced in calories! Vegan Friendly 500ml Bottle <0.5% abv
Sin Stock
The Alcohol Free Co
Flotzinger Weizen , alcohol free beer 500ml 0.5%
Flotzinger – Weizen Carefree enjoyment, light and refreshing. Due to the gentle alcohol withd ...rawal, the typical wheat beer taste is retained – ”a real beer” but without alcohol. The ideal thirst quencher for athletes. Rich in minerals, trace elements and reduced in calories!
Sin Stock