1,99 €
Göller Baptist Helles online bestellen bei Hier-gibts-Bier.de Der helle Baptist von Göller ist gold ...aber es ist auch ein Helles wo man den Hopfen heraus schmeckt. Wenig rezent und mittel schlank ist ungemein süffig. Ein excellentes Helles, gut gehopft, brotig-getreidig und mit fast Null Trinkwi ...
2,10 €
The Beer Garage
Baptist Helles is based on the beer style that was brewed in the Alte Freyung at the beginning of th ...This pours a light golden yellow with a solid head and cereal aromas - super-bready to start, with great hop flavour. 4.9% 500ml ...
Wee Beer Shop
Brauerei Göller — Baptist Helles Lager
Description Brauerei Göller’s Baptiste Helles is a brilliant yellow lager with honeyed malt f ...DID YOU KNOW that Baptiste Göller was the brother of Josef Göller, the founder of the brewery and this beer is brewed in his memory. 4.9% 500ml bottle ...
Birre da Manicomio
a Goller Baptist Helles è una classica bionda tedesca. Profumo di cereali e note erbacee caratterizz ...ano questa hell dal sapore amaro e delicato.
Sin Stock
Beer Shop HQ
Country: DE | Style: Lager | Size: 500ml | %ABV: 4.9 From Göller: This brilliant yellow lager has m ...ia. "Helles" means light. Baptist Göller was the brother of Josef Göller, the first in the family to own the brewery. Ba ...
Sin Stock
Craftbeer Shop
Das Göller Baptist Helles in der 0,5l Flasche könnte mit seinem angenehmen Geschmack auch schon bald ... in deinem Kühlschrank auf den ersten Schluck warten.
Sin Stock
Die Bierothek
Brauerei Göller Baptist Helles
The Baptist Helles is based on the beer style that was brewed in the "Alte Freyung" at the ... beginning...
Sin Stock
Wee Beer Shop
Brauerei Göller Baptist Helles Lager
Description Brauerei Göller’s Baptiste Helles is a brilliant yellow lager with honeyed malt f ...DID YOU KNOW that Baptiste Göller was the brother of Josef Göller, the founder of the brewery and this beer is brewed in his memory. 4.9% 500ml bottle ...
Sin Stock
The Epicurean
Goller, Baptist Hell, German Lager, 4.9%, 500ml
Shop and buy online our fine selection of craft beers, lagers and ciders from around the world inclu ...ding Britain, America, Belgium, Germany and gluten free.
Sin Stock
Göller Baptist Helles bottiglia 50cl
Acquista online Birra Göller Baptist Helles bottiglia 50cl al prezzo di 3,12 € euro. Classica bionda ...ali. I luppoli tedeschi danno un amaro dissetante e delicato, per una birra facile, piacevole con finale secco. ...
Sin Stock
Das Göller Baptist Helles ist erfrischend und mild. Die leichte Süffigkeit zeichnet es aus. Wenn du ...also einen kühlen Kopf bewahren musst, bist du hier gena
Sin Stock
Thirsty Cambridge
Baptiste is a true to tradition helles. Super soft body with low carbonation, and a prickly bit of s ...pice with layers of malty goodness.
Sin Stock
Fountainhall Wines
Brauerei Goller Baptist Helles 500ml
Fountainhall Wines is a family-run business serving Aberdeen, Stonehaven, and mainland UK. We specia ...ing fast local delivery and nationwide shipping - ideal for weddings, special occasions, events, or sending as a gift. ...
Sin Stock