3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris Assemblage 16 2021 (750ml)
This Druif features the Muscaris variety, a crossing between Solaris and Muskateller. This rather yo ...th a higher sugar density than other Muscat varieties (especially when harvested slightly late).Anyhow, we put the grape ...
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris (season 2021) Blend No. 16
9.1% Lambic with Muscaris grapes, a crossing between Solaris and Muskateller. 4.15 Untappd
35,99 €
Caps and Taps
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris 9.1% (750ml)
The latest beers to enter our fridges and shelves here at Caps and Taps, Tufnell Park.
3 Fonteinen - Druif Muscaris #16 2021
Style: Fruit LambicABV: 9,1%Size: 750ML Lambic w. Muscaris grapes
41,56 DKK
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris (season 2021) Blend No. 16 75cl
Lambic con uva Muscaris
Sin Stock
Belgas Online
3 Fonteinen Muscaris 2021 #16 75cl
Descripción Muscaris 20/21 #16 75cl Lámbica de 15 meses macerada con uva Muscaris, mezclada con lá ...mbic de 3 años.
Sin Stock
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris (season 2021) Blend No. 16
Lambic | 9,1% | 75cl | Untappd: 4,10 | België
Sin Stock
Beer Shop HQ
3 Fonteinen Blend No. 16 Druif Muscaris (season 2021)
Country: BE | Style: Lambic | Size: 750ml | %ABV: 9.1 From 3 Fonteinen: 3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriekenl ...ambik is obtained by the successive maceration of grapes and cherries on lambik.
Sin Stock
Premier Hop
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris 2021 - Blend 16 9.1%
Bottling date: 19/01/21 This Druif features the Muscaris variety, a crossing between Solaris and Mus ...ntense muscat bouquet with a higher sugar density than other Muscat varieties (especially when harvested slightly late). Anyhow, we put the grape must with fifteen-months old lambik on a small oa ...
Sin Stock
Etre Gourmet
3 Fonteinen Druif - Muscaris 20/21 Assemblage n° 16
Season 2020-2021 Assemblage #16. Bottled on 19/01/2021. "This Druif features the Muscaris variety, a ...gion in Germany and combines an intense muscat bouquet with a higher sugar density than other Muscat varieties (especially when harvested slightly late). Anyhow, we put the grape must with fiftee ...
Sin Stock
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris S2021 nr16 0,75L
Solaris és muskotályos szőlőhibrid (Muscaris), ahol a magasabb cukortartalma miatt egyedibbé teszi. ...iumok erjesztésével, nem pedig a gondosan tenyésztett sörélesztő-törzsekkel történik az erjesztés. Ez az eljárás adja a sör jellegzetes ízét: száraz, boros és almaboros, gyakran savanykás utóízze ...
Sin Stock
Brew Cavern
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris (season 2021) Blend No. 16
Description Druif Muscaris (season 20|21) Blend No. 16. 3 Fonteinen Druif maceration of grape (must ...rups or artificial sweeteners. Unfiltered. Unpasteurised. Bottling date: 19/01/21 This Druif features the Muscaris variety, a crossing between Solaris and Muskateller. This rather young variety ...
Sin Stock
BROUWERIJ 3 FONTEINEN Druif Muscaris (saison...
Bière de type gueuze, acide, fruitée et complexe
Sin Stock
3 Fonteinen 3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris (season 2021) Blend No. 16
3 Fonteinen | blond | 75 cl | 9,1%
Sin Stock
3Fonteinen - Druif Muscaris Season 2021 blend No. 16
Beschrijving Lambic Fruit This Druif features the Muscaris variety, a crossing between Solaris and ...an intense muscat bouquet with a higher sugar density than other Muscat varieties (especially when harvested slightly late). Anyhow, we put the grape must with fifteen-months old lambik on a sm ...
Sin Stock
Little Beershop
3 Fonteinen: Druif Muscaris S2021Blend No. 16
Een spectaculaire blend van druivenmost van Muscaris druiven en lambiek, daarna gestoken met 3 jaar ...oude lambiek. Dit staaltje vakmanschap krijgt daardoor een w
Sin Stock
J&B Craft Drinks
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen 3 Fonteinen - Druif Muscaris S2021 Blend No. 16
Muscaris Lambic Craft Beer, Cider & Soda Shop
Sin Stock
Muted Horn
3 Fonteinen - Druif Muscaris (Season 2021) Blend No. 16
Druif blends consist of maceration of grape (must) on/the co-fermentation of grape juice or wine wit ...s Druif features the Muscaris variety, a crossing between Solaris and Muskateller. This rather young variety originates from the Freiburg region in Germany and combines an intense muscat bouquet ...
Sin Stock
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris (season 2021) Blend No. 16
9.1% Lambic with Muscaris grapes, a crossing between Solaris and Muskateller. 4.15 Untappd
Sin Stock
Bier Atelier Renes
3 Fonteinen - Druif Muscaris Assemblage No.16 20202021
3 Fonteinen Druif is de maceratie van druiven(most) op / de co-fermentatie van druivensap of wijn me ...eerd. Bierstijl: Lambic Alcoholpercentage: 9,1% Land: België/Belgium Inhoud: 750ml Allergenen: Gluten Untappd: ...
Sin Stock
This Druif features the Muscaris variety, a crossing between Solaris and Muskateller. This rather yo ...th a higher sugar density than other Muscat varieties (especially when harvested slightly late). Anyhow, we put the grape must with fifteen-months old lambik on a small oak foeder. The lambikken ...
Sin Stock
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris 75 cl
3 Fonteinen Druif Muscaris nr 16 S 20|21 | 75 cl | 9.1 % Deze druif bevat de variëteit Muscaris, een ...g in Duitsland en combineert een intens muscat-boeket met een hogere suikerdichtheid dan andere muscat-variëteiten (vooral wanneer ze iets laat worden geoogst). Hoe dan ook, we zetten de druivenm ...
Sin Stock
Windsor Bottle Shop
3 Fonteinen- Druif Muscaris (season 2021) Blend No. 16
750ml 9.1% ABV This Druif features the Muscaris variety, a crossing between Solaris and Muskatelle ...muscat bouquet with a higher sugar density than other Muscat varieties (especially when harvested slightly late). Anyhow, we put the grape must with fifteen-months old lambik on a small oak fo ...
Sin Stock