Deep orange golden colour on the body, tall white head, very thick, collapsing slowly. Spots of lacing left around the glass. Aroma is malty, sugar, heavy yeast, light fruits like peaches. Taste follows, lots of sugar and malts with the yeast following, some herbs too, alcohol, metal notes on the finish, still some stone fruits present. Medium thin body, okay carbonation, dry but also sticky on the palate.
Riebedebie, while his wife lay peacefully sleeping collected all the pennies he had been safekeeping.
And outside he bound not making a sound.
With his booty he was crowned to go party all around. In search of spicy flavour and sweet blond savour.
Many hours after the sun has set he returns to bed just before the coffee aromas spread.
But weve caught him for you in a bottle of beer so a night out with Riebedebie is near, oh dear! Ver menos