Natural, dry cider fermented with wild yeast and dry-hopped with famous American Simcoe IPA hops. Un ...filtered and bottle conditioned for natural carbonation. ...
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Natūralus sausas sidras su laukinėmis mielėmis. Papildomai apyniuotas Somcoe IPA apyniais.
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Uba ja Humal
Jaanihanso HOPPED Naturel Organic 5,5%vol 33cl CAN
Dry Hopped Cider Natural, dry cider fermented with wild yeast and dry-hopped with famous Amer ...ican Simcoe IPA hops. Unfiltered and bottle conditioned for natural carbonation. Flowery-fruity aroma is a perfect match for apple tartness.
Sin Stock
JAANIHANSO Hopped naturel kuiv õunasiider alk.5.5% 330ml Eesti
Kuiv mahesiider Eesti õuntest, metsiku pärmiga kääritatud, kuivhumaldatud Simcoe humalatega.
Sin Stock