Schuppenaas (Ace of Spades) is the fourth beer named after playing cards. For this beer the brewers are obviously inspired by the great Orval. They use a different yeast for the first fermentation but like Orval the second
strain is a Brett. For Hops they chose this time for Tomahawk and Simcoe. Additional Simcoe is added as dry-hopping.
The beer is amber colored and has a large and stable white foam, with lots of carbonation. The beer has an aroma of honey, cooked dark fruits, dried plums and some raisins. Some roots and cake. Very little carbonation and oily in mouth. The beer is medium sweet with notes of honey, cake and spices. A very delicate fruity sourness and a spicy finish. Some warming alcohol too.
Some warming alcohol too. The beer has a strong honey profile overall, it has very little to do with Orval but it is still delicious in its own way. Ver menos