Despite significant technological advancements, this beer remains true to ancient brewing traditions, utilizing the finest raw materials from local soil, such as ripe barley and fine hops, to preserve its pure flavor. Originally crafted for the Knights
the Golden Fleece in 1491, this beer embodies a harmonious blend of full, graceful tenderness and a clean, precise taste.
Fermented in the bottle and exclusively derived from pale malt, this 100% natural beer offers a robust flavor profile that remains refreshingly thirst-quenching due to its balanced hopping. For optimal enjoyment, it is recommended to pour gently in one fluid motion at a temperature of 5-7°C (41-45°F). This delightful golden blond beer appeals to those who prefer a heavier, subtly seasoned, and refreshing brew.
This tripel is recognized as world-class. It was awarded the Gold Award at the 2002 World Beer Cup in the Tripel category, followed by gold at the 2010 European Beer Star in the Belgian Style Tripel category. In 2012, it again received gold for the best Tripel beer in the world (Worlds Best Belgian-Style Tripel). Ver menos