Otter’s Promise
La Trappe Trappist Blonde Beer
La Trappe is the only Trappist beer located outside of Belgium and is only one of the seven still pr ...on process to produce an aromatic, fruity and fresh aroma. The flavour may be described as light malty and slightly swee ...
Otter’s Promise
La Trappe Trappist Dubbel Beer
The La Trappe Dubbel is a warm, ruby-red Trappist. This beer has a soft, fragrant, but above all ref ...reshing, character.
Otter’s Promise
La Trappe Trappist Quadrupel Beer
Quadrupel is the heaviest La Trappe beer with a magnificent amber color. Matured in oak barrels, it ...has a warm, intense flavor that is full and well balanced. Malty sweet, slightly toasted and pleasantly bitter with a sweet aftertaste. Identifiable aromas include banana, almond and vanilla.