Mr West
One Drop Swing Low Fruited Pastry Sour
Swing Low is a pastry sour fresh out of the One Drop Brewing co. pilot program. Brewed with date syr ...ound out this god-tier combo, we’ve gone and added fresh coconut creme and a touch of natural bourbon vanilla extract at canning for that decadent Easter touch. Swing low champions, glory awaits. ...
Sin Stock
Saccharomyces Beer Cafe
One Drop Swing Low - Smoothie Sour Can 4pk
Swing Low is an absurd unit of a pastry sour fresh out of our pilot program. Brewed with date syrup ...o round out this god-tier combo, we’ve gone and added fresh coconut creme and a touch of natural bourbon vanilla extract at canning for that decadent Easter touch. Swing low champions, glory awai ...
Sin Stock
One Drop Brewing Co
One Drop Swing Low - Smoothie Sour
Swing Low Smoothie Sour440mL // 5.5% ABV Swing Low is an absurd unit of a pastry sour fresh out of o ...f delicious banana and white chocolate. To round out this god-tier combo, we’ve gone and added fresh coconut creme and a touch of natural bourbon vanilla extract at canning for that decadent East ...
Sin Stock
The Beer Barrel
One Drop Brewing - Swing Low Smoothie Sour
One Drop Brewing - Swing Low Smoothie Sour Price: $14 Swing Low is an absurd unit of a pastry sour f ... on a bunch of delicious banana and white chocolate. To round out this god-tier combo, we’ve gone and added fresh coconut creme and a touch of natural bourbon vanilla extract at canning for that ...
Sin Stock