The Beer Cellar
Gouden Carolus Whisky Infused 330ml
Gouden Carolus Cuvée van de Keizer Imperial Dark was enriched by an infusion of Gouden Carolus Singl ...e Malt whisky. The result is a unique beer: powerful and full-bodied, with subtle touches of vanilla, oak and chocolate. An imperial brew to cherish and enjoy in moderation. 11.7% ABV
The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Gouden Carolus Whisky Infused 330mL
Gouden Carolus Imperial Dark was enriched by an infusion of Gouden Carolus Single Malt whisky. The r ...esult is a unique beer: powerful and full-bodied, with subtle touches of vanilla, oak and chocolate. An imperial brew to cherish and enjoy in moderation. 11.7% ABV
The Beer Cellar
Gouden Carolus Whisky Infused 750ml
Gouden Carolus Imperial Dark was enriched by an infusion of Gouden Carolus Single Malt whisky. The r ... An imperial brew to cherish and enjoy in moderation.Brewery Website ABV 11.7% ...
Sin Stock