The Beer Cellar
Founders KBS Imperial Stout 355ml
The beer that taught us that patience truly is a virtue, this big, bold imperial stout is brewed wit ..., cocoa, and charred oak. KBS is a luxuriant, full-bodied drinking experience that emanates sophistication while honorin ...
The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
Founders KBS Imperial Stout 355mL
The beer that taught us that patience truly is a virtue, this big, bold imperial stout is brewed wit ..., cocoa, and charred oak. KBS is a luxuriant, full-bodied drinking experience that emanates sophistication while honoring our craft beer roots. 12% ABV ...
The Beer Cellar
Founders Kentucky Breakfast Stout 355ml
What we’ve got here is an imperial stout brewed with a massive amount of coffee and chocolates, then ... cave-aged in oak bourbon barrels for an entire year to make sure wonderful bourbon undertones come through in the finish. Makes your taste buds squeal with delight 12% ABV
Sin Stock
Cerveza compleja y completa, donde los ingredientes y procesos se complementan y hacen que siendo sabrosa no sea excesivamente densa, ni alcohólica a pesar de su cuerpo, color y graduación. Excelente
Botella comprada en ŽE V REDU, Primož, Ljubljana. Poco que decir de este birrón que no se haya dicho. Aroma a batido de chocolate con leche, café y bourbon y mismo gusto añadiendole toques de vainilla y madera. Cuerpazo y textura cremosa y aceitosa. Pura clase. Una de esas cosas que se tienen que probar antes de morir. Si millones de personas dicen que está entre las 10 mejores cervezas del mundo por algo será.