De color caoba, con un cálido y elegante tono rojizo y una corona beis de espuma. Rico aroma con no ...te el sabor del chocolate negro, y las notas especiadas de pimienta y afrutadas de higos. Para terminar con un final cálido y seco en el paladar. ...
5,20 €
Tynt Meadow Trappist 7,4% 33cl
Tynt Meadow Trappist fra Mount Saint Bernard Abbey er af typen Strong Ale og er på 7,4% Tynt Meadow ...Øllen har noter af chokolade, lakrids og mørk frugt. Eftersmagen er noget pebret og kulsyreholdig. ...
45,00 DKK
Trappistenbieren worden meestal vernoemd naar de plaats waar het klooster zich bevindt. We hebben de ...e Midlands bijna twee eeuwen geleden opnieuw werd opgericht. Als onderdeel van de grote trappistentraditie hebben de brouwers ervoor gekozen om een sterk donker bier te produceren, maar wel een ...
4,25 €
Tynt Meadow Trappist Ale 7.4° - 13L
It's difficult to compare this to any other Trappist beer because it tastes so unique but there migh ...t be a hint of La Trappe Quadrupel in there. I'm not good at describing flavors so will just say that it is worth the extra cost to get it shipped to the US.
32,11 €
Clapton Craft
Tynt Meadow English Trappist Ale
Style: English Trappist Ale Region: Leicestershire ABV: 7.4% Bottle Size: 330ml Tynt Meadow is mahog ... chocolate, liquorice, and rich fruit flavours. The beer is full-bodied, gently balancing the taste of dark chocolate, p ...
Keg, Cask & Bottle
Tynt Meadow is mahogany-coloured, with a subtle, warm red hue, and a lasting beige head. Its aroma c ...balancing the taste of dark chocolate, pepper, and fig. It leaves a warm and dry finish on the palate. Tynt Meadow is br ...
Sourire Des Saveurs
La bière Tynt Meadow est une English Trappist Ale, c'est leur nouvelle trappiste anglaise aux arômes ...Strong Ale conçue avec de l'orge et du houblon anglais. Versée dans un verre, elle révèle une robe acajou aux reflets rougeoyants, coiffée d'une mousse beige persistante qui laisse s'exprimer de ...
4,39 €
Belgian Brewed
Tynt Meadow is a Double Trappist with 7.4% alcohol. Aromas of dark chocolate, licorice and dark frui ...t. Wonderfully full-bodied, a firm body and nicely balanced. In the taste you will also discover that chocolate, but also peppers and figs. In the aftertaste, the beer is surprisingly sparkling.
4,21 €
Belgian Beer Heaven
Smaak Tynt Meadow Blond is een blo opent met zachte tonen van citroenschil, gevolgd door subtiele hints van sinaasappel, vanille en sorbet. Hoewel het qua samenstelling vergelijkbaar is met de traditionele Tynt Meadow, versch ...
3,18 €
De Biersalon
Mount Saint Bernard Abbey Tynt Meadow Blond
Using all of the same ingredients that we use in the original Tynt Meadow, we have produced a lighte ...r, refreshing English style blond.This beer is 5%, and bottle conditioned.
3,89 € - Skjold Burne
Tynt Meadow 7,4% 33 cl Tynt Meadow er den eneste engelske trappist øl, som er brygget på det Engels kloster Mount St. Bernard. Det er en dejlig og velsmagende fyldig mørk øl med masser af smag. Aromaen bærer præg af mørk chokolade og lakrids.
40,00 DKK
St. Bernard Abbey - Tynt Meadow
De monniken van vroeger hadden een gezegde: Patet porta, cor magis. ‘De deur staat open, het hart no ...n leven. Trappistenbieren worden meestal vernoemd naar de plaats waar het klooster zich bevindt. Ze hebben de hun ‘Tynt Meadow’ genoemd, om de link te eren met het stuk land waarop het kloosterl ...
3,99 €
The Hoptimist
Tynt Meadow Blond Mount Saint Bernard Abbey
Description Blonde Ale – Bottle 330ml – 5.0% Using all of the same ingredients that we ... use in the original Tynt Meadow, we have produced a lighter, refreshing English style blond. This beer is 5%, and bottle conditioned.
Robijnrode Strong Dark Ale met beige schuimkraag en een alcoholpercentage van 7,4%. Volmondig van sm ...aak met tonen van chocolade, rijp fruit en likeurachtig. Zachte afdronk en een mild koolzuurgehalte. Tynt Meadow is afkomstig van Mount Saint Bernard Abbey
4,15 €
Tynt Meadow is the UK’s first Trappist Ale, brewed by Mount Saint Bernard in Leicestershire. 330ml ...bottle, 7.4% ABV
Mount St Bernard Trappist Brewery TYNT MEADOW 0,33l
Mount St Bernard Trappist Brewery TYNT MEADOW ist ein mahagonifarbenes Bier mit einer dezenten roten ...ade und Lakritze mit unterschwelligen Noten von Trockenfrüchten. Das Bier ist vollmundig, aber leicht ausgewogen im Geschmack von dunkler Schokolade, geröstetem Kaffee, Pfeffer, Haselnuss und Fei ...
Mount Saint Bernard Tynt Meadow English Trappist Ale 7.4% (330ml bottle)
Tynt Meadow is mahogany-coloured, with a subtle, warm red hue, and a lasting beige head. Its aroma c ...balancing the taste of dark chocolate, pepper, and fig. It leaves a warm and dry finish on the palate. ...
Aroma delicado a notas florales y afrutadas, con toques cítricos de mandarina y limón. Con un toque ... más intenso que la clásica Tynt Meadow. Equilibrada, con notas a vainilla y cítricos con suaves toques de naranja y sorbete que dan como resultado un final suave y refrescante.
5,20 €
Mount St. Bernard Tynt Meadow Dubbel 12x33CL ... Login voor de prijs
Consultar Precio
Cork & Cask
Description Tynt Meadow is mahogany-coloured, with a subtle, warm red hue, and a lasting beige head ...died, gently balancing the taste of dark chocolate, pepper, and fig. It leaves a warm and dry finish on the palate. 7.4% / 330ml ...
Belgian Beer Heaven
Smaak Tyn ...n met zijn verleidelijke aroma's van donkere chocolade, zoethout en donker fruit. Dit bier pronkt met een heerlijk volle textuur en biedt een stevige en evenwichtige beleving. Terwijl je een slo ...
3,56 €
The Hop Vault
Mount Saint Bernard Abbey Tynt Meadow Blond
ABV 5% - 330ml - Belgian Blonde - £4.75 Using all of the same ingredients that we use in the origin Tynt Meadow, we have produced a lighter, refreshing English style blond. This beer is 5%, and bottle conditioned.
Birra e Birre
Tynt Meadow Trappist Ale è l’unica birra prodotta dal primo birrificio trappista britannico, l ...ata alle belgian dubbel, questa birra presenta molte caratteristiche delle strong ale inglesi, grazie anche all’uso di malti, luppolo e lievito inglesi. La Tynt Meadow ha un colore mogano c ...
4,50 €
creamy beer with a touch of chocolate, this new trappist from england does not yet have the logo of ...authentic trappist product but will receive this later this year
6,00 €
The Hoptimist
Tynt Meadow Mount Saint Bernard Abbey
Description Strong Ale – English – Bottle 330ml – 7.4% Trappist beers tend to be ...r the link with the plot of land on which monastic life was refounded here in the Midlands almost two centuries ago. Being part of the great Trappist tradition, we’ve chosen to produce a strong d ...
The Drop Brighton
Tynt Meadow - English Trappist Ale 7.4%
The UK's first and only Trappist Brewery (Yes, the ones brewed by Monks!) Joining the likes of b ...e to create this unique ale. Made with water drawn from the monastry's well and sustainably sourced local ingredients, Tynt ...
Mount St. Bernard Tynt Meadow Blond
Mount St. Bernard Tynt Meadow Blond Blond 12x33CL ... Login voor de prijs
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Burg Bieren Bierwinkel
Mount Saint Bernard Abbey Trappist Tynt Meadow
Land: Engels bier Type: Dubbel / Bruin / Donker Alcohol: 7,4% Inhoud: 33cl
Consultar Precio
The Good Spirits Co.
Mount Saint Bernard Tynt Meadow Btl
England’s first (and so far, only) Trappist ale.
Mount St Bernard Tynt Meadow Blond
Using all of the same ingredients that we use in the original Tynt Meadow, we have produced a lighte ...r, refreshing English style blond. Bottle conditioned. 330ml bottle, 5.0% ABV
De Biersalon
Mount Saint Bernard Abbey Tynt Meadow
Trappist beers tend to be named after the place in which the monastery is situated. We’ve called our the Midlands almost two centuries ago. Being part of the great Trappist tradition, we’ve chosen to produce a strong dark ale, but one with a clearly English character. Tynt Meadow is mahogany- ...
3,99 €
Rus Beer
Маунт Ст. Бернард Эбби Тинт Мидоу / Mount St. Bernard Abbey Tynt Meadow (0,33 л.) ...
736.00 ₽
Independent Spirit of Bath
Tynt Meadow English Trappist Ale
The first trappist ale produced in modern times in England.Its aroma carries hints of dark chocolate ..., liquorice, and rich fruit flavours. Full-bodied, gently balancing the taste of dark chocolate, pepper, and fig. It leaves a warm and dry finish on the palate. 1 x 330ml 7.4%ABV
Clapton Craft
Tynt Meadow Blond English Trappist Ale
Style: English Trappist Ale Region: Leicestershire ABV: 5.0% Bottle Size: 330ml Using the same ingre ...ed a lighter, refreshing English style blond with hints of clove and peppers on a layer of delightful bitterness. ...
Cervezas Cebados
La cerveza Trapense Tynt Meadow es una auténtica joya de la cervecería inglesa, elaborada por la aba ... la única fuera de Bélgica y los Países Bajos. Con un estilo Belgian Dubbel, esta cerveza de color m ...
3,70 €
Trappistenbiere werden in der Regel nach dem Ort benannt, an dem sich das Kloster befindet. Wir hab ...das Klosterleben hier in den Midlands vor fast zwei Jahrhunderten neu gegründet wurde. Als Teil der großen Trappistentradition haben wir uns entschieden, ein starkes dunkles Ale zu produzieren, ...