LambicA cherry lambic Belgian beer which is red in colour. The cherries are grown in Alken-Maes in T ... “World’s Best Kriek”. It also won an award at the World Beer Awards 2020 for the same category.250ml bottle4.5% ...
Beer Paradise
MORT SUBITE Kriek Lambic 4.5%
Product DetailsGood quality fairly sweet lambic, but with the characteristic dry winey notes in the ...ut of the 1988 merger of two small breweries, Maes, located in Waarloos and Alken. Both had specialized in pils (Maes was producing Maes pils and Alken Cristal pils) until Maes purchased the Unio ...
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Pesadisima, es peor que una shandy. Bastante cara. Se nota bien el sabor a cerveza y a cereza, pero es lo unico, no soy capaz de beberme una entera. Demasiado dulce.