Monastic Order | Birrapedia
Birra Nursia Bionda 750ml

United Kingdom Monastic Order

Birra Nursia Bionda 750ml

Birra Nursia Bionda is a golden, luminous beer with a creamy, compact and persistent head. Its fresh ... floral perfume. The palate is enlivened by the hop and malt notes. The cheerful carbonation and the gentle, dry finish ...


Birra Nursia Tripel 750ml

United Kingdom Monastic Order

Birra Nursia Tripel 750ml

Birra Nursia Tripel has a deep amber hue with copper nuances, and is topped with a creamy ivory head ...On the palate, the beer is refreshing and thirst-quenching and is rounded off by pleasant whole wheat bread and malt fla ...


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