Ghost Whale
De Moersleutel Frontaal - Give Or Take - 11% (440ml)
"Together with the people from Frontaal we've brewed this amazingly smooth imperial stout t ...p with all the dark malts to get a super smooth roasty coffee profile. The beer was then dry-hopped with the new experimental hops fr ...
Sin Stock
Craft Metropolis
Moersleutel Frontaal Give Or Take Imperial Stout
Moersleutel Craft Brewery & Brouwerij Frontaal Give Or Take Imperial Stout THE BREWERY SAYS: Th ...r smooth roasty coffee profile. The beer was then dry-hopped with the new experimental hops from Yakima, HBC472, which gives an oaky and earthy notes to the beer. The beer itself is super smooth, ...
Sin Stock
Bière brune de type Imperial Stout, puissante, douce et torréfiée.
Sin Stock
Café De Stap
De Moersleutel Give or Take collab w Frontaal
Collab tussen de Moersleutel & Frontaal. Imperial stout dry-hopped with HBC-427.
Sin Stock
De Biertonne
Give or Take is een Imperial Stout met een alcoholpercentage van 11%. Deze Stout is een collab van D ...e Moersleutel en Frontaal en is gehopt met HBC472.
Sin Stock
Hopa Beer Denda
DEMOERSLEUTEL Give Or Take Lata 44cl
Sin Stock
De Moersleutel Craftbeer Kaufen Give or take Imperial Stout (Collab Frontaal&Demuersleutel)
Frontaal Give or take online kaufen Zusammen mit den Leuten von Frontaal hab ...e dreifache Maische, von denen eine mit all den dunklen Malzen kalt war, um ein super glattes Röstkaffeeprofil zu erhalten. Das Bier wurde dann mit den neuen experimentellen Hopfen von Yakima, HB ...
Sin Stock
Craft Beer Dealer
Together with the people from Frontaal we've brewed this amazingly smooth beer that you're ... going to want to try! This brew contained a triple mash, one of which was a cold steep with all the dark malts to get a super smooth roasty coffee profile.
Sin Stock
De Moersleutel (x Frontaal) Give or Take
Together with the people from Frontaal we've brewed this amazingly smooth beer that you're g ...ark malts to get a super smooth roasty coffee profile. The beer was then dry-hopped with the new experimental hops from Yakima, ...
Sin Stock
Otters Tears
Otters Tears Give Or Take De Moersleutel Frontaal
Description Give Or Take – De Moersleutel / Frontaal – Imperial Double Stout Netherlan ...s a triple mash brew day, one of which was a cold steep with all the dark malts to get a super smooth roasty coffee profile. It was then dry-hopped with new experimental HBC472 hops from Yakima, ...
Sin Stock