Gelato: Passion Fruit, Mango & Peach Funky Fluid
Saldus ir rūgštus, įkvėptas itališkų ledų skonių. Sudedamosios dalys: vanduo, miežių ir kviečių s ...alyklai, avižiniai ir kvietiniai dribsniai, laktozė , pasifloros, mangai, persikai, apyniai, mielės
5,89 €
Rūgštusis vaisiškas, su vos juntamu saldumu, primins žalius obuolius ir savaime suprantama vyšnias.& ...nbsp;
10,06 €
Florida Vibes: Pinkie Funky Fluid
Strongly sour, lactose-free, loaded with a huge amount of real fruit - raspberries, lychee and pink ...guava
5,77 €
Sweet and sour beer inspired by Italian ice cream, this time in a Halloween, blood red version. i ad ...dition to cherries, rasperries and blackcurrants, we added the coloring agent that provided beautiful, deep red color - dried hibiscus flowers
6,04 €
Kriek 100% Lambic Bio (2024) Cantillon
Unique and very thirst-quenching beer. The ingredients come from organic agriculture. Beer with evol ...ving flavour
14,53 €
Rosé de Gambrinus (2024) Cantillon
Obtained by macerating fresh raspberries in two years old Lambic. Its complex aromas and sour taste ...make this unique beer an excellent thirst-quencher.
14,83 €