Cantina della Birra
Caratteristiche e degustazioni ... Gusto prevalente Amaro ...
3,71 €
Fountainhall Wines
Loch Lomond Brewery Southern Summit - American Pale Ale 440ml
American style pale ale. A juicy citrus fruit aroma leads to a full on grapefruit flavour that is ro ...unded off with a bitter and refreshing yet very moreish finish.
Loch Lomond Southern Summit Lattina 44cl
Acquista online Birra Loch Lomond Southern Summit Lattina 44cl al prezzo di euro. <p>Pale Ale ...rancia e pompelmo. In bocca troviamo una piacevole nota citrica tipica dei luppoli del Pacifico che rende la bevuta facile e dissetante. Finale fresco e amaro.</p> ...
Sin Stock
Chester Beer & Wine
Loch Lomond Brewery Southern Summit Pale Ale (Cans) (44cl)
Description Loch Lomond Brewery, founded in 2011 takes inspiration from the iconic and spectacular ...erican style pale ale. A juicy citrus fruit aroma leads to a full on grapefruit flavour that is rounded off with a bitter and refreshing finish. Hops – Summit & Citra. Suitable for ...
Sin Stock