Quality Drops Craft Beer
Little Pomona Table Perry Cider
Free Craft Beer delivery Singapore islandwide above $100. The perry partner to Table Cider. Fresh, f ...ruity, floral, bright and gently sparkling.
Little Pomona
bottle conditioned dry perry The UK is home to a little known natural treasure. It’s called the perr ...eautiful to look at, they are rarely pleasant to eat, but their fermented juice is capable of scaling heights normally r ...
Press Then Press
Little Pomona - Table Perry 2022 (750 mL)
About: Bottle conditioned, dry perry made with traditional UK perry pears. With its creamy texture, ...with any meal or conversation. ABV: 7% Where: Herefordshire, England Suggested Pairings: The little touch of sugars lef ...
Clapton Craft
Style: Dry Perry Region: Herefordshire ABV: 7.0% Bottle Size: 750ml The UK is home to a little kno ...which are famously long lived. Although beautiful to look at, they are rarely pleasant to eat, but their fermented juice ...