Purvis Beer
Leffe Blond is a pale abbey beer, with a full, sunny, golden colour. It has a smooth and full bodied ... taste and a rich creamy head. Like all the Leffe beers, it is a �connoisseur� beer that is easy to drink.
Sin Stock
Cerveja Salvador
Com coloração dourada e sabor suave, a Leffe Blonde 330 ml é uma Belgian Blond Ale seca, com maltes ...efrescante, é possível notar a presença marcante do lúpulo. Bolinhos de bacalhau ou uma salada Caesar harmonizam bem com uma Blonde. Campeã Mundial com Medalha de Ouro no Estilo Belgian Style B ...
Sin Stock
Drop Hop
Leffe Blonde é uma autêntica cerveja de abadia loira com um leve toque de amargor. Delicada mas cara ...cterística, a Leffe Blonde é a cerveja de degustação por excelência: dá um toque extra de sabor aos pratos simples e acompanha levemente as frituras.
Sin Stock
Half Time
INBEV Brewing Company Abbaye De Leffe Blonde
Leffe pours a hazy yellow color with an average frothy white head. You'll notice a medium spicy citr ...us and yeast aroma. There is medium body with lively carbonation and a medium sweet spice flavor with a semi-sweet finish.
Sin Stock
Lost Robot
Abbaye de Leffe - BlondeBlond (Belgian Blonde)
330ml bottle 6% Leffe Blond is the flagship of Leffe. The unique recipe is the fruit of centuries of ...t, smooth and fruity, and it has a spicy aftertaste with a hint of bitter orange. Its light, sunny colour is due to the ...
Sin Stock
Uba ja Humal
Belgian Blonde Leffe Blond is the flagship of Leffe. The unique recipe is the fruit of centur ...elegant, smooth and fruity, and it has a spicy aftertaste with a hint of bitter orange. Its light, sunny colour is due to the use of pale malt. Leffe Blond contains 6.6 % alcohol and fits excelle ...
Sin Stock
LEFFE Blonde hele õlu alk.6.6% 330ml Belgia
Notre Dame de Leffe Norbertiini kloostri arhiividest leitud kirjete kohaselt alustati seal õlle pruu ...limisega juba 1240 aastal.
Sin Stock
Independent Spirit of Bath
Leffe Blonde is an authentic blond abbey beer with a slight hint of bitterness to it. It is delicate ...e Blonde reveals a sweet bitterness in perfect harmony with notes of vanilla and clove. 1 x 330ML 6%ABV ...
Sin Stock
Värvus: pruunikas-kuldne merevaik Aroom: elegantne, magusad vürtsid, kergelt linnaseline, puuviljan ...lusega, kergelt magushapu, vürtsise järelmaitsega, milles on tunda greipi ja apelsini. Serveerimissoovitus: ürtidega praetud kammkarbid või- ja laimikastmes, suitsulõhe, austrid, mereannid- ja k ...
Sin Stock
Brussels Beer Box
Leffe | Blonde Leffe Blonde 6.6% 24x33cl
La bière belge Leffe Blonde, brassée par Leffe, est une blonde de renom, la plus connue de toute les ...pour ses bières emblématiques telles que Leffe Brune et Leffe Radieuse. La Leffe Blonde est un classique du style blonde belge d'abbaye. ...
Sin Stock
Beers & More 77
Leffe Blond Blond Fles 75 cl 6,60%
Blond abdijbier van 6,6%, soepel van smaak met een licht bittere afdronk
Sin Stock
Trappist.dk - Skjold Burne
Leffe Blond – 6,6 % – Blonde – Serveringstemperatur 5-6 gr. Ubetinget den mest ke ...irkende til at belgisk øl har holdt sit indtog på det danske marked. Aromaen er honning og blomsteragtig. Farven er gylden med et pænt hvidt skum. Smagen har antydninger af vanilje og hvedeøl. De ...
Sin Stock
La Oriental
El historial de cerveza Leffe se remonta al año 1240. De sabor seco, frutal y ligeramente especiado, ...ando una agradable sensación después de probarla. Especiada con clavo de olor, crea un sabor exótico y condimentado. ...
Sin Stock
Luekens Wine & Spirits
Leffe Blond is a pale abbey beer, with a full, sunny, golden colour. It has a smooth and full bodied ... taste and a rich creamy head. Like all the Leffe beers, it is a ’connoisseur’ beer that is easy to drink
Sin Stock
Click N Drink
Leffe Blonde Belgian Beer 12 x 330ml
Buy Leffe Blonde Belgian Beer 12 x 330ml, part of the Ale & Bitter, Beer & Cider, Speciality ... Ale range at Click N Drink. Or call us on 0161 438 4066.
Sin Stock
PerfectDraft France
Une bière blonde d'abbaye brassée depuis 1240 et que l'on ne présente plus !
Sin Stock
PerfectDraft UK
PerfectDraft Pro Leffe Blonde Starter Bundle
The NEW PerfectDraft® Pro machine - the perfect pour ...mate beer experience to your home with all-new game-changing features including variable temperature control from 0° ...
Sin Stock
Slijterij Voorburg
Leffe Blond is een authentiek, blond abdijbier met een subtiele, bittere toets. Het is verfijnd, maa ...dige gerechten en vergezelt uw maaltijd perfect. Fruitig en kruidig, met een vleugje vanille en kruidnagel. Naast het sterke aroma van mout onthult Leffe blond een zoete bitterheid die perfect in ...
Sin Stock
PerfectDraft Nederland
Leffe Blond Perfect Draft Vat 6L
Leffe Blond Perfect Draft Vat 6L Onze reeks artikelen Biervaten online www.perfectdraft.com
Sin Stock
PerfectDraft België (nl)
Abbaye de Leffe Leffe Blond Perfect Draft Vat 6L
Leffe Blond Perfect Draft Vat 6L Onze reeks artikelen Biervaten online www.perfectdraft.com
Sin Stock
Η Leffe είναι μία μπύρα με ιστορία και παράδοση 800 χρόνων.
Sin Stock
Leffe Blonde 50cl (pack de 12 canettes)
Bières de la marque Leffe [pack de 12]. Bière. EAN pack de 12: 3701018099150. EAN produit unitaire ...: 5410228174073.
Sin Stock
Gall & Gall
De Leffe brouwerij kent zijn oorsprong in 1240. Echter tijdens de periode van Karel de Stoute werd d ...hulden van de abdij te kunnen betalen. De abdij ging helemaal ten onder in 1796 wanneer de abdij werd opgeheven door de Franse Republikeinen. In 1802 werden de laatste eigen delen verdeeld onder ...
Sin Stock
Whisky And More
Leffe Blonde 330ml 24pk Bottles
Elegant, sweet and soft with a fresh, fruity aroma. It has a subtle banana finish with a hint of clo ...ve and vanilla and a touch of caramel in the background. Alcohol Vol. 6.6%
Sin Stock
The Hamilton Beer & Wine Co
DESCRIPTION Leffe Blond is a pale abbey beer, with a full, sunny, golden colour. It has a smooth an ...is easy to drink. TASTING NOTES Pours with a rich, clear golden colour and a massive, foamy head. The spicy clove/banana hops hits your nose immediately, but subtly. The taste is reminiscent ...
Sin Stock
Petite Cellars
Leffe Blonde 6 pack 12 oz. Bottle
Leffe Blond is an authentic blond abbey beer with a slight hint of bitterness and a full, smooth and ...…
Sin Stock
Kelly’s Liquor
Leffe Blond is an authentic blond abbey beer with a slight hint of bitterness and a full, smooth and ...…
Sin Stock
Outback Liquors
Leffe Blonde 6 pack 12 oz. Bottle
Leffe Blond is an authentic blond abbey beer with a slight hint of bitterness and a full, smooth and ...…
Sin Stock
Fountainhall Wines
Leffe Blonde Abbey Beer 4x440ml
Fountainhall Wines, Aberdeen and Stonehaven is an independent family business. Our shops specialise ...in beer, wine, whisky and other spirits for local and mainland UK delivery.
Sin Stock
The Alcohol Free Co
The first Leffe alcohol-free beer, Leffe Blonde 0,0% has a well-balanced body. Its slightly fruity n ... of vanilla and smoky notes. The history of the Abbey of Leffe is marked by hospitality and the art of welcoming For centuries, it has welcomed its guests by offering them a beer brewed with kno ...
Sin Stock
Mas Que Cervezas
Ficha Técnica Nombre del Producto: LEFFE BLONDE 75CL Categoría: Producto Descripción: LEFFE BLONDE 7 ...y un proceso de fermentación cuidado. Detalles Técnicos: ABV (Alcohol by Volume): 5.0% IBU (International Bitterness Uni ...
Sin Stock
Triple Brew
Leffe Blonde or Blond is a Belgian abbey beer inspired by the Belgian Blonde Ale style. It ...nt. It was created under the canons of the Order of Premonstratensian Canons of the Abbey of Our Lady of Leffe. Currently, keeping its recipe faithful, it is made in the Artois bre ...
Sin Stock
Eines der bekanntesten Biere aus Belgien: das Leffe Blond. Ein helles Abteibier bei dem die belgisch ...en Hefen ihr Aroma voll entfallen: fruchtig-würzig mit
Sin Stock
Latvijas Balzams Veikali
Pirmais bezalkoholiskais beļģu eils pasaulē! Bagātīga, piesātināta garšas kombinācija.
Sin Stock
Calais Vins
Leffe Classique Perfect Draft 6 Litres
Le prix fût inclut la consigne fût de 6€ La formule de la Leffe Blonde exclusive est le fruit d'u ...au Perfect Draft dégustez chez vous une bière délicatement maltée qui développe une douce amertume. En savoir + ...
Sin Stock
VLC Gourmet
Espuma blanca y cremosa y de duración media. En su aroma se aprecian notas a picante y dulce. Su s ...ro a naranja en el final. Es de color ligero gracias al uso de maltas claras. Origen: Bélgica Tipo: Abadía Color: Dorado Graduación: 6,6º ...
Sin Stock
Muy suave y muy buena de sabor. Me ha gustado mucho
Una cerveza con un exquisito sabor