Kemker Aoltbeer Pinot Blanc Blend 08-2022
Kemker Aoltbeer Pinot Blanc - Blend 08-2022 online kaufen ... Zutaten Wasser , Gerstenmalz , Dinkelmalz , Trauben , Hopfen , Hefe Bierstil Sour ...
24,95 €
Kemker Aoltbeer (08-2022) Pinot Blanc
Beschrijving Sour – Other Aoltbeer is the historic beer of Münster. The beers in this blen ...y and wine-like character. To this small batch, we added Pinot Blanc whole Grapes harvested in 2021 by Piri Naturel and stomped by Nicole’s feet. Macerazione in the beer for 2 months and ...
19,95 €