Kasteel Donker is a strong dark brown beer in which roasted malts predominate. This beer is therefor ...e a full-bodied beer with clear notes of caramel, coffee and chocolate.
2,50 €
Craftbeers - De Caigny
Van Honsebrouck Kasteelbier Donker
Kasteel Donker is a member of the Belgian quadrupel family. These are strong dark brown beers where ...hints of caramel, coffee and chocolate. The sweet initial taste makes this beer surprisingly complex but very accessible. ...
2,48 €
Kasteelbier Donker 33 cl Bak 24 st
Kasteelbier Donker 33 cl Bak 24 st - Thysshop
(24x1.94) 46,63 €
Bierhandel Willems
Kasteel Donker behoort tot de familie van de Belgische ‘quadrupels’. Dit zijn sterke, zoete tot bitt ...toetsen van karamel, koffie en chocolade afkomstig van de gebrande mout. Opvallend is de zoete aanzet. Bij degustatie blijkt dit bier verrassend complex. 11% alc. ...
2,24 €
Belgian Brewed
Kasteel Donker belongs to the family of strong dark brown beers in which roasted malts predominate. ...The very first Kasteelbier is therefore a full-bodied beer with clear notes of caramel, coffee and chocolate. The sweet attack makes this beer surprisingly complex and very accessible.
2,60 €
I was introduced to this splendid Belgian brew years ago at a restaurant in The Netherlands, right a ...weet, with a "toasted nuts" taste, and this was the perfect answer to my request! Ever since, I have gone to much trouble to get this beer. In the US, it's hit or miss whether I can get this in i ...
9,65 €
Big Bag Delivery
Kasteel BruneDonker (Casier de 24 x 33cl)
Marque: Spadel Spa Reine (Casier de 12 x 1L) ... Commentaire(s): 0
45,48 €
Está bien pero demasiado dulce para mi gusto.
Nada mas oler se denota dulzor y asi es en boca tambien, para mi demasiado dulce. El alcohol ni se nota con el dulce, supongo que con 11 grados y el caramelo, con 3 de estas ya vas bueno para casa. El dulzor la estropea a mi gusto