Caps and Taps
Jester King x The Rare Barrel Phaenomena 7.4% (750ml)
Phaenomena is a 100% spontaneously fermented beer aged in Cognac barrels! The beer itself took a mea ...'t thrilled with the results, so we decided to try again. Ultimately, the beer we finally blended this spring is one we' ...
The Triangle
Jester King Rare Barrel - Phaenomena - 7.4% Cognac BA Spontaenously Fermented Beer - 750ml Bottle
Mature JK SPON aged in Cognac barrels, in collaboration with Rare Barrel (Berkeley, California). ...andering path to release. It was originally brewed in 2016 when our friends Jay Goodwin and Alex Wallash came to visit us. After a few years of maturation, we weren't thrilled with the results, s ...