Fountainhall Wines
Hogan's French Revelation Cider 500ml
A revelation by name and by nature, this is something a little different. This fresh pressed drop i ...s smooth & velvety with a big tannic punch followed by fruit sweetness.
Stirchley Wines & Spirits
Hogan's French Revelation 500ml
The French are excellent cidermakers. They exploit a process called keeving. Hogan's shamelessly cop ...arly to leave some of the apple fructose sugars unfermented. The result is a lower alcohol cider with a velvety mouth feel delivered by the fructose sugars. This is a wild yeast fermentation. ...
Bath Road Beers
Hogan’s Cider French Revelation
Description 4.8% abv 500ml “A revelation by name and by nature, this is something a little differ ...ving’. This fresh pressed drop is smooth and oh so velvety with a big tannic punch followed by a mature, wild and fruity flavour that only years of craft could perfect. It’s delightful and surpri ...
House of Ales
Hogan’s French Revelation Cider (50L Sankey Keg)
A revelation by name and by nature, this is something a little different for the more curious amongs ...t you. A Breton style cider born from the traditional process of keeving.