Hoegaarden Rosée 4,5° High creamy lasting pink head. Hazy red body. Distinct raspberries aroma. Aci ...dic raspberries falvor with a good deal of carbonatioh. Fresh and nich thirst killer. Long sweet aftertaste.
7,99 €
Belgian Brewed
The substance of Hoegaarden Rosée resembles that of the original wheat beer, but the fruity taste of ...vely appearance. The beer is naturally sweet, with a pleasant fruity aroma and subtle hints of spices and coriander. Rosée is also unfiltered, like the wheat beer, giving it a cloudy and livel ...
2,46 €
Belgian Beer Heaven
Smaak Een sprankelend lichtzoet ro een boeket van aroma's met frambozen als hoofdingrediënt. Serveertip ...
1,67 €