Beer Shop HQ
Het Boerenerf Cuvée Héritage 2023 750ml
Country: BE | Style: Lambic | Size: 750ml | %ABV: 7 From Het Boerenerf: This Gueuze is a traditiona ...l blend of young and old lambics. Cuvée Héritage is a tribute to our brewing and farming heritage.1876 - 1964. This unique blend, exhibits exceptional complexity and aging potential.
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The Beerhive
Het Boerenerf Cuvée Héritage 75cl
Het Boerenerf is a revival of the historic Eylenbosch lambic brewery in Huizingen, which dates back ...nbosch, the fifth generation of the lambic-making family. Boerenerf sources its wort from five different lambic brewers—3 Fonteinen, De Troch, Lindemans, Den Herberg, and Angerik—and uses ingredi ...
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